
Pale,and skinny.Those are two words that can describe me.

I stare at myself in the mirror, as I stand here in my underwear.

My blue veins show through my skin like I'm transparent.

That's what major anorexia can do to you.

I heave a sigh and grab my school uniform shirt and put it on.

"Hazel, come eat breakfast!" My mom calls from the hall.

I put the rest of my uniform on before leaving the bathroom.

I sit down at the table, where my mom and dad were already eating their food.

"I told you I'll be fine, honey" my mom says, continuing her and dad's conversation.

"I know, but is it really worth the travel?" Dad asks.

"Who's traveling?" I ask, picking at my toast.

"Remember that fashion show I got invited to in New York?" She asks.

"Oh right, I forgot about that"

"My flight leaves tomorrow" she explains.

"When will you be back again?" Dad ask, sipping on his coffee.

"I thought I already told you this"

My mom dad bickers like they normally did when my mom went somewhere, which was quite often.

I look at my phone and get up.

"I have to go before I'm late"

I walk out the door and down the street after saying bye.

Whenever my mom leaves dad gets upset at her.

I think it has something to do with him not trusting her, but my mom is the most loyal person I know.

I stop at the end of Oak Road, waiting for my best friend.

Out of everyone that goes to Saybrook Highschool; she's the only one that hangs out with me.

Everyone else just makes fun of how skinny I am.

"Hazel! Have you heard?!"

Avery's voice echoed around us as she ran towards me, waving her phone in the air.

She ran up by my side, almost knocking me over.

Perks of being thin like a twig.

"Heard what?" I ask as I scan her phone screen.

"Monica is having a birthday party, and she's inviting everyone from school!" She squeals as we make our way across the street.

"And what makes you think she'll actually let us in? She probably meant all the popular kids can go"

"Well I'm going, and I don't want to go without my best friend"

Avery nudged my shoulder, making me roll my eyes and sigh.

"I'll think about it" I finally said.

She squealed even more as we talked about the, possible, clothes we'll be wearing at her party if we do go.

Avery has always been the type that loved attention and all the normalities of highschool teenage fun.


Being friends with me prevents her from that. At first I begged her to make new friends to avoid being humiliated by me.

She insisted that she'd rather have a real friend then ones that were fake, and I love her for that.

"Did you eat this morning?" She asks once we step onto campus.

"I had a bit of toast, does that count?"

"Hazel, that's not even breakfast! Come on let's go to the cafeteria, we still have time"

Without giving me time to protest; she pulls me to the cafeteria right along side of her.

We got into line, picking up a tray.

I can feel eyes on me as some kids in line got their food.

I tried to ignore them, like I'd do everyday.

I put the tray back as we moved up the line, letting Avery continue getting food.

"Hey ghost girl, who's house are you haunting tonight?" A familiar, infamous voice called from the front of the line.

I fidget with my fingers as I move closer to Avery like she'd shield me from his words.

"Cole, leave her alone" she said, placing her juice on her tray.

"Avery, I don't understand you. Why are you even friends with this girl?"

"She should just starve herself dead since she isn't worth the space" one of the Vince twins yelled out.

I get out of line and walk past them without a word.

Everyone was watching as I walked to an empty table and sat down, waiting for Avery.

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

Avery makes her way over with her tray and sits down.

"Hey don't listen to them. They're just stupid" she says, trying to cheer me up like she always did.

I nod, even though I can't ignore the things they say.

I'm so pale and skinny that I could pass as a dead girl if I wanted to.

"We still have a test for Mr. Switz tomorrow, right?" She asks, stuffing her mouth with chips.

"It's today" I inform her.

Her jaw drops, making me laugh at her forgetfulness.

She wasn't the best when it came to remembering things like test dates, or quizzes.

We laughed the time away before the bell ring, signalling us to go to class.

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