Chapter 3

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Sirzechs had been waiting in the Occult Research Club with the Phenex patriarch for over 3 hours, and to tell the truth all of them were getting worried for their friends and the success of the mission in general.

The stakes were high and there was a possibility that if the complications were not handed delicately then it would cause an international incident with disastrous consequences.

Even though it was just a retrieval mission there was a possibility of things going south because of the numerous variables in play.

Remaining members of Rias's peerage realized that, hence they were constantly fidgeting and were clearly worried for their fellow members of the peerage. They had every right to worry about them, since the retrieval of the package was supposed to happen in the Vatican City which is the main base of Angels, the nemesis of Devils.

Sirzechs had sent two of his peerage members to see to it that the mission went without a hitch.

'It shouldn't be taking this long for Grayfia for just a retrieval mission of a 16 year old devil who is only adopted by the Phenex's.' Mused a worried Crimson Satan Lucifer.

'At best he should be a High Class Devil, and someone like Grayfia and Beowulf can easily take care of someone of that caliber, if they proved to be a trouble.' Crimson Satan mused further.

Sirzechs narrowed his eyes and gave a side glare to the unaware Lord Phenex. 'Maybe he is hiding something about his son. There must be something special about him or else why adopt him?'

Lord and Lady Phenex were also getting incredibly worried about their son's health. Unlike their other children Naruto had not received any kind formal training from their family and he was holed up in a place which was very hostile for any devil.

They also had so many questions for him, and they expected an answer. What kind of son just leaves one day without leaving any kind of good explanation? Definitely not a good one. They already had a disappointment for a son in Riser Phenex. He was way too arrogant and had every possible bad habit a juvenile can have.

After heart wrenching gap of time a bright light invaded the room of the Occult Research Club and a teleportation circle of the Gremory family appeared on the floor to reveal the face of 5 members who were responsible for the retrieval of Naruto Phenex who were accompanied by our very own blonde hero.

Sirzechs worried expression instantly turned into a frown when he saw the state of his family/peerage member's. In Layman's term everybody except Grayfia looked like shit.

'What the fuck happened?'

Even the rest of the members of Rias's peerage were alarmed after watching the terrible condition of their King and Queen, but before they could run towards them and help them, Sirzechs stopped them with a glare. All of them got the message.

'It was not the time to let emotions control you.'

The second Lady Phenex saw Naruto, she ran towards him and gave him a tight slap on his right cheek and then hugged the life out of him. She was crying tears of happiness, finally after a decade her son was returned back to her for her this was the happiest day.

Nobody dared to interrupt them, not even Sirzechs. Even he knew not to poke the Mama-Bear.

"I missed you too kaa-san." Naruto replied with a true smile. He was glad to be home.

"You have grown a lot, when I first met you, you were like only 2.5 ft., but now you are easily around 6ft in height." Lady Phenex said with pride.

"I guess thanks for the compliment." Naruto said with a sweat drop.

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