Chapter 1

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Kuoh Academy was one of the most famous schools of Japan, and is considered as the costliest school in the world. Therefore this school was only attended by richest of individuals and it was also a supernatural school which housed devils from very prestigious families like the Gremory and the Sitri Families. In fact, these families were responsible for the founding of Kuoh Academy.

At present, a red haired devil was thinking deeply and was worried to some extent because of a recent call which she got from her brother and by the tone of his voice the problem was pretty serious but she didn't know what the problem was exactly. She was just informed that she needed to keep her evening free for a meeting with her brother.

Akeno Himijema was the queen of Rias Gremory and she was her dear friend since childhood and she had never seen her king with such a deep expression. She knew that Rias got a call from her brother and she also knew that he was visiting later in the evening but what she didn't understand was the reason for so much anxiety in the club. New members of the peerage like Issei and Asia were freaking out because of the forlorn expression on their king's face.

"Is everything fine Buchou?" questioned Akeno since now even she was worried for Rias health.

Other members of the peerage were listening closely to the conversation between their Buchou and Queen. Even Koneko took a break from eating her sweets.

"I am just worried about the meeting with my brother, it seems pretty serious and he didn't give me any details." Replied Rias with the same worried expression.

"I am sure it won't be that bad. Right?" asked a clueless Issei.

"I am not so sure Issei, Buchou's brother is the Lucifer of Underworld and the strongest among the 4 kings of underworld. If he is asking for a meeting it must be quite serious." Answered Yuuto Kiba, the knight of Rias peerage.

After hearing this both Issei and Asia gulped and were freaking out about the impending meeting with the Lucifer of underworld.

Issei was even more afraid because he didn't even knew that Buchou's brother was the king of Underworld but he didn't dare to voice his concerns since the atmosphere was quite thick.

Before anyone could ponder more on the subject, a bright light invaded the room of Occult Research Club and a symbol of Gremory Family appeared on the floor. Rias knew immediately that her brother had arrived for the scheduled meeting and just like that her brother and his queen/wife stood before her peerage.

Issei seemed shocked to see a man who looked like a man version of Rias which meant no large tits, so he was disappointed but after looking at the other woman he was rejuvenated since she had very large boobs and she was incredibly beautiful with her silver hair and silver eyes. She was wearing a French maid outfit and her hair was made in a twin braid style.

"You are early, nii-sama." Sated Rias. "So what is so important that you would visit the Human world? It's unlike you"

"Aww, Rias- tan are you not happy to see your onee-sama?" replied Sirzechs Lucifer childishly.

Rias now sported massive tick marks on her head, clearly she was annoyed by her brother's behavior, but before she could take any actions against her brother, Grayfia had already started to pull her brother's cheeks.

"Why can't you act according to your stature? Is it really that hard for you to act maturely? "Chastised Grayfia with a scolding tone.

Issei and Asia were quite shocked to watch someone like the Crimson Satan acting so childishly and then getting scolded by his maid. They would have laughed if Buchou didn't have such a forlorn expression.

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