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You safely had returned home as everything seemed a bit off. Vixen has still been taking over for Princess Peach for quite a while and everything seemed fine, if not even better. Even Toad seemed like he was in a good mood

Y/N: "Uhh hey Toad, Are you feeling alright?"

Toad: "Alright? I'm Fantastic! Ever since that Vixen Guy took over! My life is so much better! I get better pay, better treatment, and I'm even having a Healthy Relationship with Toadette"

Y/N: "Wait?"

Toad: "Of course! The new boss is so much better than what Peach ever did!"

Y/N: "But wasn't he supposed to be taking over for Peach while she was on Vacation. Should she have come back by now?"

Toad: "Uhhh, No. Nobody hasn't heard from her in days, Vixen hasn't said anything about it either but let's be honest, Nobody Cares!"

Y/N: "Hmmm, That kinda seems a little Su-"

SMG4: "Hey Y/N! Did you get that Guardian Pod back?"

Y/N: "Oh yeah, I got it"

You carry the Guardian Pod over to SMG4 as you both look at it

SMG4: "Okay Y/N, Now all you need to do is step close to it so it can see if you're the right Guardian"

You nod and walked closer to the USB as it then began to scan you and it had declared you as being the Right Guardian as it opened itself up

SMG4: "Yes! It worked! I guess that does prove you are an SMG like us after all!"

Y/N: "Umm, I guess so. But I still don't about the origins of my past though"

SMG4: "Trust me, I spent a lot of time figuring out my very own and it was tough. More than you'd know but trust me when I say it'll be worth it in the end"

Y/N: "Well, Only one way to find out I suppose"

Both you and SMG4 walked inside the Guardian Pod as the entire place didn't seem too bad even though most of it all was covered in Light Green ink. You both walked around the place to try and pick up some stuff and couldn't find much worth taking since they were either broken or covered with ink.

Soon, you stumbled upon a Monitor that seems to be perfectly fine. It looked like it must've been the mainframe of how the Guardian Pod travels around and after pressing random buttons, The Monitor then started playing footage from its saved memories

It first began with the Guardian Pod flying through the skies and crash landing into a Desert place that was nearby Inkopolis and didn't seem like much was around besides the Eiffel Tower being fallen to ruin

It first began with the Guardian Pod flying through the skies and crash landing into a Desert place that was nearby Inkopolis and didn't seem like much was around besides the Eiffel Tower being fallen to ruin

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The Guardian pod had opened up as an Inkling had fallen out of it. It was a Green Haired inkling with a Whitecoat and a Beanie on its head that has the word SMGV imprinted onto it

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