Chapter 20

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Alastor couldn't recall a time when he was more surprised and impressed by someone. Seeing Charlie successfully take on a group of men all by herself was astonishing. This charming belle was definitely not your average princess.

"Whoa, whoa, hang on a second." He called after her. "Where did that come from?"

"What?" Charlie said trying to look innocent.

"That! Back there! That was amazing!"

Charlie just blushed.

"Where did you learn that?" He asked, impressed.

"Well." Charlie tried to look regal. "As I said earlier, I did a lot of reading in that tower and one of the books I read was one on combat. I would also pick up somethings when watching Vaggie she fight against intruders."

"Uh...I thought that left hook looked familiar." Vaggie said.

"When one lives alone." Charlie further explained. "One has to learn these things in case there's-"

She stopped short, a shocked look on her face.

"There's an arrow in your butt!"


She pointed downward, an arrow was lodged right into his behind.

"Oh would you look at that." He said twisting to inspect his lower area. "Don't know how I didn't feel that going into me."

"Oh no! This is all my fault! I am so sorry!" Charlie cried.

Alastor tried to pull it out.

"No wait!" She protested. "Have you ever pulled an arrow out before?"

"Can't be more difficult than dislodging a bullet."

"But it's behind you. Can you even see what you're doing?" Vaggie asked.

"Let us help you." Charlie said. "You could make it worse."

"Hey what's wrong?" Angel asked upon catching up with them.

"Alastor's hurt." Charlie said.

That was all Angel needed to hear. Now he was frantic. He began to scamper around hysterically.

"Alastor's hurt? Oh no he's gonna die!" He panicked.

"Angel I'm okay." Alastor assured him.

"You can't do this to me Al! I'm too young for you to die! Keep your legs elevated! Turn your head and cough! Does anyone know the Heimlich?"

"Angel calm down." Charlie said, quickly realize that he would only get in the way of this. "If you want to help Alastor, run into the woods and find me a blue flower with red thorns."

"But I'm color blind."

"Then you go with Vaggie." She winked at the adze. "To make it easier for all of us."

Vaggie nodded, understanding the hint.

"Okay we're on it!" Angel said. "Blue flower, red thorns. Don't die Alastor and if you see a long tunnel, stay away from the light!"

"Angel!" Alastor and Charlie yelled together.

"Come on let's go!" Vaggie pulled Angel along, marching into the trees.

"What are the flowers for?" Alastor asked Charlie.

"For getting rid of Angel." She replied.

"Ah." He said getting it.

"Now you hold still and I'll yank this thing out." She grabbed the arrow and began to pull.

"Ow!" Alastor yelped. "Hey! Easy with the yanking!"

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