Chapter 12

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Though Alastor's plan to deal with the adze was clever, the moth-like atrocity didn't appear to be planning to change it's size anytime soon and the duo did have a schedule to keep.

"How long is that thing just going to fly around, circling like this?" Angel said.

"It has the same idea as us." Alastor deduced. "It's trying to wait for us to come out. Wait for us to be at our weak point. It's smarter than it looks, I'll give it that."

"So what now? We just wait until one of us caves?"

"Actually I have another idea."

"Is it to cut our losses and leave while we still can?"

"The only thing I'm looking to cut is that thing's wings, and you're going to help me."

"I am?"

"Yes. You're going to be the bait."


"Here's the plan. You run out from under here, the adze chases you, and while it's distracted, I will simply climb up on to it's back and clip those wings with this little beauty."

He demonstrated with a discarded battle axe he had swiped from the floor.

"Can we opt for a new plan?"

"Sure. I can be the distraction and you can be the one who has to get the closest to the adze in order  to chop off it's wings. Is that better?"

Angel quickly realized that there was no changing Alastor's mind on this, so he reluctantly agreed to be the live bait.

"Fine I'll do it but you're not gonna let me get eaten, right?"

"Wouldn't dream of it and keep in mind, I'm doing the most dangerous part." Alastor assured Angel.


Angel took a deep breath and started to crawl out from under the debris shelter. The moth adze was going after him before he could even pick up his speed but he managed to dodge the impact. He ran and ran, as fast as he could, the moth adze chasing him and trying to catch. As for Alastor, with battle axe in hand, he climbed up a nearby pillar that took him straight to the ceiling. He aimed for the moth and took a flying leap on to it's back.

"Gotcha!" He yelled. 

He raised the battle axe up, ready to sweep it and cut those enormous wings but the adze would prove too stubborn for him to achieve that goal. It whipped around and beat it's wings together, creating another powerful and wind-like force. Alastor held on firmly but eventually his grip gave away and he was sent hurtling  through the air and crashing into the window of the tower. He landed on the stone floor of the bed chamber, only half conscious. 

Outside,the adze was just getting going. Now it was smashing it's way through the castle, using it's wings to cut off any potential escape route for Angel. Back and forth, poor Angel ran. Desperately trying to make a break for it. However his efforts proved futile because within five seconds, he became trapped in a corner. The adze closed in and loomed over him menacingly.

"Oh no! No! Don't!" Angel pleaded, ready to piss himself all over. 

The adze moved it's gigantic head closer and closer.

"Wait! Wait! You don't wanna eat me! I'm way too scrawny! I don't have any meat at all and...And...And...Think of your health! You know I'm a spider and like a lot of spiders I am venom so if you eat me, you'll die of food poisoning! Not to mention your looks will be ruined!"

The moth adze stopped for a moment then looked at him confused. 

"Aha!" Angel whispered "Maybe a little sweet talk will appeal to his better nature."

When he was under Valentino's control, Angel mostly had to perform manual labor but on rare occasions he would also have to entertain his taskmaster and his thug associates by playing the role of the flirtatious victim. Now Val's friends who were straight would punch his lights out whenever he pulled that act on them but his friends who were gay or bi would just eat it up. He hoped this moth adze would do the same. Not literally though.

He proceeded to slick back his hair, flash a flirty smile, and pose in a provocative manner.

"That's right sweet wings,  I'm talking about you. I know that insects aren't considered the best looking of creatures to most people, but you're definitely an exception to that rule. Do you work out a lot or do you just have naturally sexy body?"

Now the creature was curious. It leaned it's head down a little further, placing it's antennae on to him, smelling him and figuring out exactly what he was. It seemed pleased with what it's senses discovered. Next thing Angel knew, it was shrinking. Shrinking and changing it's form. In seemingly no time at all the giant moth monster shrank into a feral-looking, moth humanoid female with long white hair, lavender skin, and a very bad left eye. Her clothes were a tribal themed outfit which consisted of a dark blue dress with a gold chevron pattern on the hem. And around her neck was a metal brace which Angel hadn't noticed until now.

"You're a woman?" Angel said surprised by her gender reveal. 

It was foreign territory to him. Normally he seduced men for survival, but he could work with the fairer sex too.

 "I mean of course you're a woman." He vamped, really warming up now. "Cause you're just reeking of feminine beauty. Not to mention that dazzling smile and that one good eye of yours is just breath-taking. You're a real knock-out!"

She was wary but clearly intrigued. 

"And I'll let you in on a little secret babe, the whole pretty and innocent princess thing isn't really my type. If I wanted to get myself a lady, I'd go for you in a second because you've got spunk and fire, and I love that in a woman."

She didn't understand his words but she did understand that he was interested in her. Or at least she understood that it seemed like he was interested in her. And though not an insect like herself, he was the closets thing there was to a species that would suit her. Male, somewhat close to her species, seemingly interested, all three of those factors put one idea in her head; Prospective Mate.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing down there?!" 

She had checked the crotch of his pants. Yep definitely male. She started to bat her lashes at him.

"What's the matter with you? You got something in your eye?" Angel asked, not getting the message at first but when smelled the pheromones coming from her, it couldn't have been more obvious. "Now hold on, let's just back up a minute."

She took a step forward, he took a step back.

"Freeze! Stay right there! Don't take another step! I mean it!"

She started to circle around him ever so slowly, flapping her now smaller wings to where she would only be lifted a little ways up from the floor. She was performing a courtship dance. 

"Now this has gone on far enough toots! While I am grateful that you have decided not to eat me, I am not at all interested in choosing a mate. But we can be friends." He slowly attempted to flee the scene.  "Speaking of friends, I think it's time for me to go looking for mine. He's probably really worried about me and we have a job that we need to finish. So if you'll excuse me...Heh...Heh...Al!"

The adze just hummed in an amused tone. Then she returned to her giant form, picked up Angel, and carried him off to her lair. 

"Ah! No! Alastor! Help!" He screamed. "Aw shit, I should have just let her eat me!"

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