Chapter 13

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Up in the tower, Alastor lay on the floor where he had landed, a bit dazed. He was still wearing the knight's helmet and armor he had put on earlier so he didn't suffer any fatal injuries. When he made it to his feet, he turned around to find the Princess Charlotte lying prettily on her canopy bed.

"How an earth could she sleep through what was happening out there?" He thought, unaware that she was only faking her slumber.

He crossed the room to the bed where she lay and took a moment to look at her, just to make sure she was the one he needed to rescue. Her figure was petite, her dress was pretty and medieval style, she had gorgeous blond hair which soft and had little flowers pinned within a few locks, her cheeks were rosy, her complexion perfect, she was beautiful. Beautiful for a human, but Alastor cared little for such things. Nevertheless tower, beauty, and fancy dress usually meant princess so he chose to wake her up.

The princess, still pretending to be asleep, puckered her lips slightly. She was ready. But instead of giving her a kiss, Alastor bent over her, grabbed her by the shoulders, and shook her.

"Wha, wha..." She said. This was not how it was supposed to work.

"Wake up!" Alastor called.

"What?" She snapped, annoyed.

"Excuse me for the sudden wake up call but are you Princess Charlotte?"

"I am." She replied recovering. "But please call me Charlie and I have been eagerly awaiting for a bold knight such as you to rescue me."

"Oh that's nice." Alastor said brusquely, wanting nothing to do with her helpless princess routine. "Now let's go."

"But wait, Sir Knight!" She protested. "This be-th our first meeting. Should it not be a wonderful, romantic moment?"

"Romantic? Ha-ha! You're not serious, are you?" He chuckled.

"Yes I am."

"You are aware that we are in the a dark, spooky, and adze guarded castle right? Not exactly a romantic setting. I think we should focus more on escaping, before we're killed."

"Okay good point." She agreed.

"Splendid! Now where's the door?"

"There is no door."


"The door was bricked up years ago."

"Then how do we get out of here?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I don't know. Why do you think I needed to be rescued in the first place? It's because the only way out is through a window from a 70 ft tall tower."

"Fair enough." He said. "Alright give me a minute to think."

He proceeded to pace back and forth across the floor, waiting for an idea to come to him.

"I don't mean to complain, but did you really come here to rescue me without any idea on how to get me out of the tower?" Charlie said.

"It was on my to-do list but more important things came up. Such as dealing with your roommate out there." Alastor pointed to the window.

"Oh you didn't hurt her did you?" Charlie asked concnerned.

"Hurt her?! She's the one who tried to kill us!"

"It's not her fault! She can't help it!"

"What is that supposed to mean? Never mind. We'll go back to it later. For let's just focus on finding an exit here."

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