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"That's true. She's never upset. Not even when she killed your nephew in that very same chair." Aiden says, coming up behind me and massaging my shoulders.

"Do you have any idea who I am?" Hmm his nephew said the same thing. Uncanny. "The Russians are coming for you and that bitch you call a boss. When you report back to her, tell her she should've taken my offer."

"is that it?" I ask him. He looks at me confused like he wasn't expecting me to care about his last words. I guess he doesn't think I'm a reasonable killer. 

"Okay then! Let's get started shall we?" I stand up and walk over to my table of toys. Okay lets see, knives... No, blowtorches..... No, needles... Maybe, an axe.... Not yet, steel knuckles.... Yes please. I pick up the steel knuckles and put them on before walking back over to Issac.

I sigh "Do you have any pets that you would like me to take care of after this?" He looks at Aiden behind me confused. Why are they always confused?

I punch him in the face "Answer me Issac."

He spits out blood and shakes his head "No you stupid bitch!"

"Okay" I punch him in the face again. 

I punch him again and again and again. I'm actually kind of getting tired now. I stop and wipe my forehead.

"Are you okay?" Aiden puts his hands on my waist and I lean back into his touch. Mmm this is nice. His hands feel good on my skin. Am I really horny right now? Lord help me.

"I'm fine." I say walking over to go get the blowtorch.

Cassius stands up "Maybe you should take a break."

"No. I'm okay. Promise." I say and give him a reassuring nod. He must not believe me because he scolds me with his eyes and walks out.

I pick up the blowtorch and make my way back over to Issac whose face is now swollen. I start with his left foot and his screams like a little bitch.

"You know-"

"It's time for your meds" Cassius says interrupting and coming up to me with my pills, a bottled water with a straw and a banana in his hand.

I sigh "Cassius i'm working." He ignores me and opens the pill bottle.


I open my mouth and he puts in the pill while bringing the straw up to my mouth and I take a sip of water. He hands the water and pills to Aiden before peeling the banana and putting it at the entrance of my mouth which I quickly close.

"You know I don't like bananas." I tell him.

"Eat it, love. It's for the potassium." Milo says crossing his arms. I roll my eyes and open my mouth, biting a small piece of the banana.

"More." Aiden says next to me.

I sigh and bite another piece "like that?"

"Yes." Cassius says kissing my forehead.

"What the fuck." Issac says and we all turn to him. "You people are fucking insane."

"Right?! Who forces someone to eat a banana?" I say, rolling my eyes and walking over to go get the needles.

"Where were we?" I say, spinning back around and giving him a sweet smile.

"You're still killing for sport?" I ask Cassius who's just now getting home.

It's 2am and Aiden, Milo and I are up watching the office.

"Don't start." He glares at me and walks to my bedroom.

In all honesty, I really don't want to be doing this right now but if I don't get through to him, he'll dig himself into a hole I can't get him out from.

I get up from the couch and follow him. So does Aiden and milo."Cas just talk to me. Please."

He takes off his shirt and shoes and walks over to sit on the bed. "There's nothing to talk about."

I sigh "if you keep doing this and I lose you, i'll blame myself. You, out of anyone should know what that feels like. Please don't do this because you think you're avenging me. I'm right here." I walk over to him and sit beside him on the bed while Aiden and Milo remain at the door.

"It's not enough. I need them to suffer." He says, clearly getting upset now but I push.

"Why? I'm right here Cas. Why do you feel the need to do this?"


"No. Help me understand. Why do feel the need to avenge someone who's begging you not to."

He laughs and stands up "Seriously? why?! Why the hell not? I'm in love with you Amaris! We all are! Can't you see that? I would kill for you. I would die for you. I would live for you. I'm not killing them for what they did. I'm killing them so they can't do it again. You think this is me being destructive? This is me being reasonable! This is me saving the world from pain because so help me god if I don't kill them all and they take you away from me, i'd burn it all to the fucking ground."

Cassius closes his eyes and takes a deep breath as if he's just realizing what he said. "Fuck." He whispers to himself.

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