Chapter Thirty-Six: Back to Business

Start from the beginning

God, I feel like...

I run to the bathroom and open the toilet, starting to puke. "FUCK" I yell and lay my head on the toilet. Tataiana walks in and sits next to me on the floor.

"You okay?" She asks concerned and I sit up to look at her. "Yeah, I think it was the fruit." I state and she goes to pick up the packaging. "Yeah, its really old" She screams, laughing from the room.

I get up and brush my teeth before washing my face. I hear my phone ringing and walk over to get it. "Its Angelina" I state before picking up the phone.

"Rosalina" I hear her whisper. "Yes, are you okay? Whats wrong?" I ask, confused as I take a seat. I put the phone on speaker so Tatiana can hear. "It's Lee"

"His men ambushed us at an event the family went to. Everyone was screaming. I can't find Mama or Axel. I'm in the house, in a secret place but I'm scared Rosalina" She cries quietly.

Oh my god.

I ran through the house quikly. "ALEC?!" I yell and he meets me half up up the stairs. "Its Angelina, there something wrong" I state and he grabs the phone.

"Angelina" He calls out and she cries harder. "Alec! No puedo encontrar a mamá, tengo miedo. Atacaron a toda la familia." (I can't find mama, I'm scared. They attacked the entire family.)

"Okay. Calm down. Breathe. Tell me from the beginning." He tries to calm her down. "We were at a brunch with some family friends when we saw Lee approaching us. He was angry and said that we pushed him to do this. The last thing I remember was a small bomb. When I came to, I couldnt find anyone at all. Alec what if he killed-" Alec cuts her off.

"Don't think like that." He says and before she could say anything else, we hear shuffling. "NO! STOP" I hear her cry and I can feel my eyes starting to tear up. He cant hurt her, he wouldn't.

"ALEC!" She cries out and I turn away from the phone with my hand over my mouth, shaking.

I can not hear her die...

I won't forgive myself if something happens to any of them.

Just when I think they hurt her, I hear a punch and a thud. "Rosalina, if you want to save his family. You will turn yourself to him. He'll be in touch." A man says before the call ends. I stand there shaking and feel Alec's hand on my shoulder. "No" I shrug his hand off me and turn around.

"I need to leave" I state and he looks up at me. "What are you crazy? He will kill you the second he gets his hands on you." He gets louder and I walk up to him.

"Did you not hear her? She is in trouble, your whole family is. I will not be the cause of something happening to your family Alec" I get louder

"I have to do what he wants or"

"NO" He yells so loud my body shakes a little. He's never raised his voice at me like this. "Rosalina, I will not let you give yourself up. TO A MAD MAN" He yells and I walk up to him.

I grab his arms, rubbing them up and down. "Alec, I know this is hard but this is your family we are talking about." I say and he shakes his head no again.

"ALEC, what if they kill her? KILL AXEL, KILL your mother..." I raise my voice. "I can't live with that Alec, I know how important your family is to you" He cuts me off again, pointing in my direction.

"You are important to me. You are my family. I won't lose you." He voices softly.

"Alec" I try to reason and he turns around.

"Do you know what you are asking of me? You are asking me to willingly give you up to a man who wants you dead. You want me to send you to your own death." I start playing with my hands trying to come up with a soulution.

What of we go there? I mean he can just keep me safe.

"Then lets go to Spain. Let's help your family, make sure they are safe and you can watch me and make sure I'm okay." I say and he turns around.

"I guess that could work" He say running his fingers through his hair. "It has to" I say and he leans against the wall.

"Go get your things and get Tatiana's too. We will be leaving in the next 10 minutes so make it fast." I sense he's upset and grab his arm before he could leave.

"Please don't be mad, please" I ask and he takes his arm back and walks downstairs.

I go back into the room and see Tatiana already packing her things. "Yes, I heard." She says and pulls me into a hug. "Lets go, lets get our things." I say and we both start running around.

All of this for me.

He wants me dead so back that he's willing to kill his won family.

Thoughts in my head, I try to focus to get everything packed.

≪•◦ 🦋 ◦•≫

We all load up and take two planes out to spain. Alec brought most of his men to Spain, I sit in the room on the back of the plane. Tatiana sits next to me and its quiet.

"I shouldn't have come here. If Dante would have kept me, none of this would be happening." She scoffs. "Rosalina, you don't deserve any of this either." She gets up pacing around.

"You were 18 when this shit was happening to you. You finally got free of Dante and now have to deal with Lee. Rosalina, you deserve to be just happy with Alec."

She's right.

I do.

God, I don't feel good.

"What you need to do-" I cut her off running to the bathroom and throwing up again. "I hate throwing up" I whine. I come out the bathroom and lay down on the couch.

"I think your sick" She says and groan. "I think I am too. "Your not the only one though. After that fruit, i've been feeling horrible." she states as she lies next to me. Well at least it's not just me.

"The last thing I need is to be getting sick during all of this shit." I whine and she grabs my arm.

"It's all going to work out. I promise" She declares as we both nod off.

≪•◦ 🦋 ◦•≫

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