Chapter 23- Say Goodbye

Start from the beginning

It... was a sweet gesture to Todoroki.

Endeavor was never considerate, never cared about his wife or his children. He had never been proud of Todoroki. He never even pretended.

Todoroki's fingers curled around his cup one night when thinking about his father. The cold, frosted glass numbed his fingers.

That day in particular was an eventful one. 

A few hours before, when Iida was still at school, Sho had been in his extravagant guest room, lying on the soft gray rug. Depressingly, that rug was more comfortable that his sofa back at the apartment.

Anyways, he was busy reading an incomprehensible book, trying to figure out all the fancy vocabulary, when somebody suddenly started rapping at his door.

It took a five seconds for him to realize that somebody was actually calling for him.

Immediately, he had dropped his book and was standing at the door, opening it cautiously as if a monster were about to jump out at him.

It wasn't, obviously.

Instead, he found Iida's mother.

"Come with me." she said immediately. Before Todoroki could react, she was already making her way down the hall.

The suddenness was so shocking that Todoroki had to jog to catch up to the woman, as he had stood there blankly waiting for his mind to catch up.

"Hey. What's this about?" he asked, once he was abreast with the woman. 

It seemed like the first time they've ever talked alone since the start of Todoroki's stay.

So there were two possibilities: one, Iida's mother was getting tired of him and was going to kick him out, or two, they had an update on Todoroki's stalker.

He hoped it was number two.

"We, or rather, an investigator, spoke to your foster father-" the woman started.

"Not a father," Todoroki said sharply. "Just call him my guardian."

"We spoke to... your guardian." she said. The word 'guardian' seemed to have a bad taste in her mouth. They ascended the stairs, then entered the hero's office.

Todoroki sat down in the same cushioned chair as before, noticing an old mug with dry coffee stains. Iida's mother sat behind her desk, folding her hands together.

"And there's a few things I'd like to say," she said, red eyes flickered to a document on her desk. "First of all... Sho, you do realize how abnormal your situation is, correct?"

"If you're talking about my past, then yes," Sho said, catching a few words on the sheet. It definitely seemed like Akaguro had skirted around all the questions. "Born into a bad family... left... was homeless for a while... got taken in."

"By a high school dropout with a minimum wage job," Iida's mother said. "Lived without a proper education, or even a full name. I can't force you to do anything, Sho, but are you truly okay at home?"

Todoroki... didn't know what say.

 Of course he was okay at home. But why did Iida's mother need to question him like that? Why couldn't she just do her job?

Why did she need to question anything about his current home life, when no hero bothered batting an eye when he still lived with Endeavor?!

He kept his ire under wraps, answering with a simple, "Yes, I'm fine."

There was a strange silence for a while. Iida's mother kept staring at him, like she was waiting for something. Whatever it was, Todoroki couldn't give it to her.

When the pressure became too overwhelming, Todoroki muttered, "Is that it?"

He could feel red eyes boring into him. Iida's mother flipped the document over. It was blank on the back.

"No," she said, "One more question."

Todoroki got a bad feeling.

"What's your quirk?" the woman asked.

Todoroki immediately broke out into a sweat. It seemed like such a random question. It was a mundane question, but the flipping of the paper made it seem so... weird.

When Todoroki glanced at the blank paper, with all of Akaguro's hidden answers, he suddenly realized she was testing him. She was still suspicious of him.

But not only him, she was suspicious of Akaguro, wasn't she? Did she not believe any of Akaguro's answers?

Todoroki had never told any of the Iida's what his quirk was. If his answer was different from Akaguro's, an alarm would scream in the woman's mind.

Because that's how paranoid she was. She probably let him stay in the house because she knew he wouldn't try anything risky. There wouldn't be anyplace to run if he did.

Todoroki suddenly had a suspicion that her paranoia extended further than his shady origins. 

"It's not a very flashy quirk," he answered carefully, speaking as evenly as possible. "I can change my body temperature. It's helpful in any type of weather."

He held his breath as he waited for the woman to respond.

Then, stoically, she said, "Yes, thank you. You can go."

Nodding quickly, Todoroki got up and headed for the door. But before he left, he asked, "By the way, did you catch the stalker?"

She shook her head..

He left.

Dinner that night had a heavier atmosphere, unbeknownst to Iida. He stared at the two parents, smiling as they listened along to whatever Iida was talking about, as if nothing important had ever happened just a few hours before.

And as Todoroki's left hand curled around his glass, all the frost on it had mysteriously disappeared.


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A/N- so the reason i was gone for a long-ish amount of time is because i'm in my school's theater club and we had a production... well it turns out we're having another one. it's pretty strange because we've only had like, 3 weeks to prepare and the play is next week.

anyways, i'll actually try to update normally because i feel bad for posting two chapters then dropping off the face of the earth for another month or so.

but if i don't, then i'm sorry. thanks for continuing to be patient and supportive <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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