Chapter 23- Say Goodbye

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Todoroki watched Iida's friends say goodbye.

The brown-haired girl—Uraraka, was happy and bubbly. Midoriya, while also exuding positive energy, had awkwardness and nervousness shown all over his body.

That kid... he was the one who decided to step in and save Iida from Todoroki and Stain. Midoriya had a lot of courage, Sho could definitely tell. That awkwardness he saw a few moments ago was a complete one-eighty from the pure bravery and determination that he saw on that night.

He had even gained Stain's respect.

It was a shame that not every hero could be like Midoriya. Then perhaps Stain wouldn't have been born, and Akaguro would've become the hero he originally wanted to be.

(And maybe, his father wouldn't have abused Todoroki or his family. Then, Todoroki never would've run away, with revenge always occupying his mind and death always staining his hands till the day he dies.)

"Your friends are certainly... energetic." he told Iida, still staring into the back of Midoriya's head.

When he glanced at Iida, the hero student was smiling and agreeing. Todoroki could tell he had a lot of fondness for his friends.

Then, after accidentally getting Iida to blush, which also made Sho feel a little embarrassed, they left for the car.


It was pretty easy to start getting into a routine after the first day.

They would wake up, eat breakfast, Iida would leave for school.

Todoroki noticed how Iida never brought up his education after the first morning, probably in fear of offending the bi-color haired teen again. Todoroki could tell he was still bothered by it though. He always had a frown tugging at his lips whenever he left.

It also bothered Todoroki. He truly believed he didn't need high school, even if it was probably for completely different reasons than what Iida was thinking.

He didn't want to go to high school, end of story. Todoroki hoped Iida would look past it one day.

After Iida left for school, Todoroki would usually lounge around and read a lot of books way above his reading comprehension level. Then he'd drop it and watch some T.V.

Lunch was a quiet affair. If Iida's parents weren't outside the house or in their office, they'd be eating lunch silently with Todoroki. It was the easiest way to avoid stepping on each other's toes, but it was a lot more awkward that way too.

Once it was close to the end of school, Todoroki would tag along with Iida's mother, and they'd ride to U.A.

 Todoroki would pick Iida up, and they'd go home. 

Spending time with Iida was fun even if the teen was doing his homework. If that were the case, Todoroki would lean over Iida's desk, watching the other write down neat words and equations for an hour.

It also made Todoroki insecure about his handwriting, but as long as Iida didn't see it, it was fine-

Anyways, after the essays were written and the problems were answered, the best part came: talking for hours on end.

Sometimes they'd do other stuff, but it was usually talking. Iida was a passionate, though blunt, speaker. It was charming. Todoroki was always soothed by his voice.

Dinner was much more lively than lunch. With Iida around, Iida's parents always had a smile adorning their faces. However, as time went on, Todoroki started to wonder whether or not Iida's parents were putting up a front for his sake.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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