Chapter 17- Conclusion

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Iida came to the conclusion that there was only one way he could ever get started on fixing his problems: by Stain's capture.

It wasn't like he was about to run back to Hosu and challenge Stain again. The last thing he wanted was to risk himself or his friends again, especially when they were still injured. Instead, he just waited, until more news came about Stain.

There had to be some clues and there had to be some progress in the investigation. With that poor hero that was attacked recently, there had to be even a little bit of evidence on where he would strike next. Iida knew the chances of catching Stain were very slim, but even just one piece of information on the villain would make him so much more relieved.

And if that progress could keep up, then maybe Iida wouldn't have to think so much, feel so much, get angry and guilty so much. All he wanted was his mind to give him a little room to breathe without thinking about Stain. He wanted to stop worrying and he wanted to help out his friends but how could he do that when all he could think about was Stain and Tensei?!

That's why Iida was now asking his parents at every opportunity about Stain. That villain needed to be stopped, for the sake of his brother, himself, and Midoriya.

However, answers came too slowly for him to be satisfied, no matter how much he knew how difficult catching Stain would be.

"Be patient," his parents would say. "We're working towards it." Iida would walk away after that, frustrated and useless. School would go on like usual, and Iida would sit around at home, only thinking about Stain and his brother. He wanted to visit Tensei soon.

In fact, the loneliness was probably getting to him more than Stain. But it was Stain's fault he was lonely in the first place, wasn't it? His friends could keep him company at school, but after those hours were over, he would head straight home, needing every second of rest he could. His parents were starting to spend more time working, since Iida was getting more capable of taking care of himself. He kept quiet because he didn't want them to waste any more time on him.

He'd actually thought about Sho to cure his loneliness, with still so much to learn about that soba-loving teen, but realized right after that he was in Hosu. He couldn't go to Hosu.

So then he tried over things, like reading, watching some TV shows his friends recommended, studying, but he couldn't seem to get into any of them. With nothing to do, he started sleeping more during the day.

That constant cycle continued for nearly a week. Iida's bruises and cuts were much better after all that rest. Assistance wasn't needed as much for everything, but the painkillers were still a must.

He took one after getting woken up by a servant. Dinner was going to be served soon. He made his way towards the dining room, rubbing out the remnants of his sleep.

As usual, Tensei's seat was empty when he got there, and Iida was sitting quietly at a table full of luxurious dishes. He wondered, if his friends were excited at just the mention of exotic fruits, how would they feel at a feast like this?

"Eat up, Tenya," his father said. "You should be eating more, since you're going to be up and running soon."

"Yes, father." Iida said, and grabbed a random butter roll that was closest to him. He chewed slowly.

"He meant meat and vegetables," his mother said, dropping the salad bowl in front of him. "Don't let the work our chefs did go to waste."

"I'm sorry," Iida said, taking some salad. "I don't have too big of an appetite right now."

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