Scene 18

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We see Gwen and Nate outside Mark's house again. The door opens and this time it's Katie... In her Spooky outfit, minus the wig. Gwen and Nate share a look.

Katie: What are you guys doing here?

Gwen: We were here to talk to Mark...

Nate: Why are you here?

Katie: Can't I visit my good friend Mark?

Nate: [flatly] No

Mark walks up behind Katie in his... Night Guard Uniform from FNaF?

Mark: Why are you guys here?

Gwen: Your clue

Mark looks at them confused.

Nate: It led us to an uncooperative Devon

Mark mumbles a few curses.

Mark: Well, I don't have another clue for you.

Katie: [cheery] I do!

Gwen and Nate share a look.

Katie: I'll be right back with it.

Katie skips away and Mark is left standing awkwardly with Gwen and Nate.

Gwen: Did you know?

Mark: Yes and no, he said he didn't want to be a part of it

Nate: What is it?

Mark: I can't tell you...

Gwen: [through her teeth] What do you mean you can't tell us?

Nate: Gwen, calm down

Mark begins to defend himself when Katie comes back with a note.

Katie: Here you go, [she hands the note to Nate]

Mark: I guess you're almost done then

Gwen: Done with what?

There's a loud crash from Mark's upstairs and then a muffled yell.

Mark: What the-

Katie: [quickly and flustered] Um, great seeing you guys, but we have something to take care of...

Gwen: What was that?

Mark: Nothing for you to be concerned about.

The door closes and Nate and Gwen are left standing there confused. There are loud muffled voices from inside and Gwen and Nate share a look.

Nate: I don't want to know if you don't want to know

Gwen: What does the note say?

Nate: [skims over the note before reading it] Um, it says: Imposters haunt us now... upstate and downtown. Timing's everything, that's the truth... Never acting too aloof. Keep talking, that's the key, Do you know who you need to see? -P

Gwen: [flustered and angry] NO! I DON'T KNOW WHO WE WE NEED TO SEE!!

Gwen sits on the ground and covers her face with her hands. Nate takes a seat next to her. He rubs her back soothingly.

Nate: We'll find him... I promise, let's head back home and deduce this clue.

Gwen nods and they both stand and walk to the car as the scene ends.

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