Scene 10

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Gwen and Nate are getting out of their car. They walk up to Jordin’s house and are about to ring the bell when Gwen sees a piece of paper taped to the door. She pulls it off to read.

Nate: [curious] What is it?

Gwen: It says Gone Fishing:

Many clues were given

And you’re on the right track.

Respectfully, though, I thought you should;

Know, you need to go back. -P

Nate: [confused] Is this a clue?

Gwen: [unsure] I guess.

Nate: Go back… Where?

Gwen shrugs her shoulders, turning the paper over in her hands. Nate sighs.

Nate: The last clue… We assumed it was Jordin. What if it wasn’t?

Gwen: What do you mean? Jordin just got a job with Disney, it makes sense.

Nate: Jules said the man who has worked with Disney. Not the man who works with Disney.

Gwen: So… Someone who has worked with Disney?

Nate: [holds out hand] Can I see the note?

Gwen hands the note to Nate. He reads over it multiple times, and Gwen steals another look.

Gwen: Look at the lines, they’re split up strangely.

Nate: What do you mean?

Gwen: [points to paper] Many clues were given [pause] And you’re on the right track. [Pause] Respectfully, though, I thought you should [pause] Know, you need to go back.

Nate: You wouldn’t set it up like that… You think it has a hidden message?

Gwen: Possibly [enters thought]

Nate: Well, you know English, why would someone do it this way?

Gwen: [shushes him] I’m thinking.

Nate steps back in apology. Gwen thinks for a while more.

Gwen: That’s it!

Nate tilts his head a bit.

Gwen: The first letters, how was I so blind?!

Nate: What do you mean?

Gwen: The first letters of the lines, they’re there for a reason. Look, [puts the paper in front of Nate] If you cover up the rest of the lines and just look at the first letters, it spells out MARK. We weren’t supposed to go to Jordin, we were supposed to go to Mark!

Nate: [excited] Because Mark worked with Disney for Monster Gulch!

Gwen and Nate share a high-five and then rush to their car to go to Mark’s. The scene dissolves.

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