Scene 4

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Gwen is sitting on the living room floor in their house, trying to decipher the message. Nate is petting Mr. Meowse and The Penelope.

Gwen: [frustrated] I wish you'd help

Nate: [matter of factly] I am helping.

Gwen: [flatly] How?

Nate: I am keeping the cats happy, we don't want them to be worried

Gwen sighs and shakes her head. Nate gives in, leaving the cats, and sits next to her on the floor.

Nate: What do you have to deal with so far?

Gwen: We have the letter from this P character and a message too.

Nate: Are you going to break down the message?

Gwen: That's what I'm working on now.

Nate: [looking at the message] Okay, the first line is: In the playhouse you will find.

Gwen: I thought maybe they were referring to one of our Mr. Hopp musicals, but then it mentions a man who's six feet tall.

Nate: The letter did mention demons though, meaning Mr. Hopp isn't completely out of the picture.

Gwen: The next line: that you just need to rewind.

Nate: Maybe it's referring to one of our rewind videos

Gwen: [lightly] Whispers float throughout the halls, trust the man that's six feet tall.

Nate: Whispers... FNaF Night 2?

Gwen: [unsure] Maybe, but what about the six foot man?

Nate: [questioningly] Two?

Gwen: It's a stretch...

Nate: [slight annoyance] Can you do better?

Gwen: [evasive] Next lines: No more, no less, that's the key; to save AJ Pinkerton from me-P

Nate: What if [pause] nevermind.

Gwen: Now I'm curious.

Nate: What if the clues aren't based completely around our videos?

Gwen: Wait. So, like, it's not referring to Mr. Hopp in the first line?

Nate: [still in a bit of thought] Rewind... thinking back?

Gwen: Back to what? Mr. Hopp?

Nate: Six foot tall man...

Gwen: OH! David! He's six feet tall, and he played Mr. Hopp!

Nate: Trust David? About what?

Gwen: Maybe he knows where AJ is.

Gwen stands up, straightening out her outfit. Nate watches as she gathers up the things on the floor, and sets them next to the cats. She walks out of the room and Nate's gaze follows her. She's off screen for ten seconds, leaving Nate to think for a hot minute. She pokes her head around the corner.

Gwen: Are you coming?

Nate stands up and follows Gwen. The Penelope jumps off her perch to stretch her legs. Mr. Meowse follows her to keep a close eye on her. The scene slowly fades to black

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