Scene 12

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We see AJ again, this time he seems less paranoid and more hysterical.

AJ: It's fine, this is fine, I'm fine. WE'RE ALL FINE! [takes breath][quickly] This is normal. Normal, normal, normal. I'm perfectly fine. It's average to get kidnapped by people wearing weird costumes right? RIGHT?! [takes breath] I have to get out. But there's no way out... NO WAY![takes breath] They're always watching me... Are they in front or behind? Left or right? Right or wrong? Wrongly accused? No... NO! NEVER![takes breath] I hear them when they blink, when they walk... They're everywhere. EVERYWHERE I SAY! [takes breath] But what if they kill me? Cut me up into little pieces and feed me to their dogs?! I HATE DOGS! [takes breath] I have to stay strong... If I show weakness I am a dead man... Or am I one already?! AM I A DEAD MAN?!

Man's voice: [muffled] SHUT UP!

AJ: [sucks in breath] You think you can silence me? YOU CAN'T SILENCE THE TRUTH! [takes breath] I will prevail. I always prevail! I! [takes breath] WILL! [takes breath] PREVAIL!

There's a loud noise and light creeps in as a door opens. There is a shadow cast across AJ, but we can't see who's casting it.

AJ: Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no. I'll be quiet! [Begins Humming a bit] See? I can be quiet! [whistles][whisper] So quiet you can't even hear me. [nervously smiles]

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