Part 1

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Hey yall!!! I'm just gonna show you the basics:
(b/n)=Best friend's name (Female)
(f/n)=Friend's name
(y/n)=Your first name
(l/n)=Your last name
(h/c)=Your hair color
(h/t)=Hair type/style
(e/c)=Eye color

Alright, on to the chapter! :)

-"Hey I'm so sorry...we are all surprisingly sick so we won't make it to school today :("

-"WHAT!?!? HOW CAN ALL OF YOU GUYS BE SICK ON THE SAME EXACT DAY!?!? UGH! Now I'm going to be so alone :'("

-"IKR!?!? It's so strange it's freaking me out!!! But I'm sure you can make it through the day :)"

-"Yeah, it is very creepy. And I'm sorry to hear that you guys are sick, I hope you get better...but I doubt I'll make it through the school day without you guys..."

-"Sure you will!!! I will be texting you throughout the day, so don't get caught! ;)"

You put your phone back in your pocket as you made your way through the halls of a high-school full of preppy kids that would tend to pick on you a lot when your friends weren't near you. Your (e/c) eyes darted around in fear as you witnessed lots of the "popular" kids. Oh what the hell, my friends will be back tomorrow hopefully. Maybe (b/n) was right, maybe I can survive just one day on my own without them, You thought as you sat down in your first period class which was geometry.

Everybody around you was all huddled up, buddy-buddy in groups chit-chatting about usual and pointless drama. There was one group in particular that was near you that you couldn't help but overhear what they were saying.

"Like, did you girls hear about a new student that's coming today? I hope he's totally hot!" said a snotty girl who was always trying to find a new boyfriend, her friends giggling in agreement. You didn't learn the names of the snotty kids that walked this hell because none of them really appealed to you, them and their useless crap that they talked about.

You stared at the clock threateningly, hoping for it to tick faster.

Come on, RING DAMMIT!!!


Finally. At the sound of the bell everyone hurried and sat their asses down as the teacher walked in. "Alright class," the teacher started, "everybody take out your homework and wait for instructions." You took out your homework in a split second. Come on Sherlock what's next? Take out a pencil? Oh please I just want this class to go by fast and you're not helping one bit, you thought impatiently.

When everyone did what they were told, you heard someone enter the classroom. You payed no attention to who it was because you just got a text from (b/n):

-"So...anything interesting so far? :/"

"Alright class, today we have a new student, Yugi Muto," the teacher announced. You looked up from your phone to see a teenager with spiky-bent blond hair in the front and then dark hair with red outer tinted highlights appearing from the back. You thought he looked pretty cute from a distance...

In fact... you were kind of starstruck. "Actually yes, new hottie at our school!!! I guess this kind of lightens the mood!!!" you said in your text as you replied to (b/n) as fast as you could type.


Students started to laugh and tease you, which made you blush. It was a surprise really, you never got embarrassed around these bitchy-ass kids because obviously you could care less about them. But hurt deep down inside you to get bullied in any way. "I'm sorry Mr. Shalz," you apologized to the teacher who shouted at you," welcome to Oakwood High!" you said with a smile when you greeted Yugi.

Yugi smiled back,"Thank you (y/n)"

And that was enough to make you fangirl. His voice was unlike any other! It was a deep, dreamy, bold voice that any girl would dream for their boyfriend to have!

Not realizing you were staring off into space, you looked around and saw the whole class pretty much still as statues, well at least the girls were. When Yugi was told to sit in a chair near you, the teacher continued to speak about the lesson for the day. You quickly grabbed your phone, making sure Mr. Shalz wasn't looking this time and read what (b/n) had replied to you:

-"Oh come on (y/n)! You know mostly all the boys at this school think they are so up-top...they are sadly such a waste of time!"

True...maybe I am getting worked up over nothing...stupid fangirl problems, you thought to yourself, it's all about the personality.


A New Student (Yami Yugi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now