Chapter 1 - DEAD ZONE

Start from the beginning

Her mother chuckled nervously as she entered the room and looked at her daughter's four suitcases and backpack. "You did better than me sweetie," her mother announced timidly, revealing SEVEN suitcases at the doorway.

She laughed and gave her mother a tight hug. "Is our ride here as yet?" A car horn soon answered her question.

With another squeal she released her mother from the hug and dashed to her mirror, slowly looking over her outfit to ensure she was ready, the young lady wore a calve high white and brown boots, a pink, frilly plaid skirt with a white turtleneck. Her neck layered in gold jewelry and star earrings hanging from her ears. Finally with a smile, she smoothed down her hair and grabbed her bags "ECO City, here we come!" she squealed, clumsily rolling her luggage out of the house into the foggy terrain outside.

After the driver loaded their suitcases into the luggage compartment, they boarded the taxi and prepared for their new life, and no measure of packing could prepare them for the hoopla ahead of them.


"Soccer ball, basketball, football, wrist supports, splints, neck brace, casts and my sports balm," said a boy with a head of snow, growling as he tossed his final possessions into his overflowing bag.

The teenager wore a white shirt with a grey and icy blue bomber jacket to compliment it, completing the outfit were matching grey jeans and pure white sneakers with blue laces and highlights.

Furrowing his eyebrows, he rubbed his chin in thought. "I am sure I am forgetting something. But, what?" As the boy scouts the room. His foot slammed into the doors edge, hopping in pain he moved to his drawer. "Yes! How could I forget? Plasters! Thank you, clumsy self for the reminder..." Grabbing a pack, he soon shoves it into his backpack and closes it .

Walking over to the chubby suitcase he jumps on top and with few bounces, flattens the contents before forcefully zipping it shut. "Eomma? Appa? Junbidoen? Junbi dwaess-eo."

"We are nearly done packing, son." replied his Father from another room. "I see you've been paying attention to your Korean lessons? Pretty good."

With the roll of his eyes, the boy shrugged off his fathers praise and sat at the foot of his bed with a loud sigh.

"I just don't know why we have to go!" he howled, only to obtain silence in return, his parents didn't hear him and that was nothing new. Softly he grumbled about leaving, he did not want his life to change.

He took a deep breath, rubbed his round face before falling back on his bed. thoughts echoing through his head, ~I tried to fail, I put no effort into those tests whatsoever and yet, I got in. Yayyy, lucky me. No, not really. I definitely don't feel lucky.~

"Hopefully, it wouldn't be as bad as I imagine," he mumbled, slowly dozing into a slumber.

Hours later the boy would awaken to the shaking of his shoulder. "Sage... Sage... Sage... Sage!" his mom whispered harshly.

With a grumble, he slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes. "I'm up! Let's go! Let's get this over with."

Sensing his hostility, his mother gently pulled him into a hug which he gladly accepted. It was one of the few he had ever had from her anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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