Please Read!

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So this is a some kind of a shit post but... Well remember that message I uploaded yesterday? My motivation is fading away wery weirdly. Because usually I have a lot of it and it never ends. So that thing I wanted to do for you guys, it was a special drawing on 600 wiews but... My motivation died for some reason. Also yesterday after my training I was in a so bad mood because of a little thing that even my mom couldn't believe that it apperaed out of nowhere. I have experienced a lot of stress these days when the war started. But It's not only because of that. My mental health Isn't so perfect as I used to think. Overthinking, stress, anger issues, fear of unfamiliar adults (aka somehow strangers) a high feeling of being lonely, ect. I am seeing a psychologist, but I have comed only 3 or 4 times there. And those reasons can affect my motivation and acting, so I just want to say that you don't need to worry if I don't upload much stuff. I have a lot of chapter ideas that I will post soon. See you maybe today again in a new chapter.
Cya! -Varkku 207 words

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