Now Sans was back being alone again. But he felt happy to meet a new face. It's a first to actually see a new species living here from now on. "I better tell pap about this. He would be happy to meet a new friend." He had spoke to himself with a big smile on. He sure already see papyrus reaction on meeting Boney.

Just has Sans was about to go around his counter and get to the door entrance to close it for the day. Something strange happen. Like wind had come pass him when he brushed his gloved hands on the door knob. He blinked and looked around him very confused.

Yet. There was nothing but him in this place. Except if... He let go of the knob and quickly rushed to the back of the shop. He knew something like that would happen. A dark colored goop slowly forming into a familiar silhouette until the substance disappear and reveal who it was. He couldn't believe this to be happening suddenly now.

Here stand not far from Sans. The one he wished to see again....


Sans's eyes socket went wide. He must be dreaming right? He must have falled asleep at his counter from standing there on it until it was night,

To be sure he was not sleeping, he had pinched his cheeks which gives a bit of pain to him. So he was clearly awake. He look at the person again. His father who was gone for so long.
"D-Dad? Is that really you?" He asked his voice cracking. He would slap himself right now for showing such a first impression to his dad.

The monster standing in front of him seemed to get his attention. His white pin prick looked into Sans's one. They suddenly went wide with shock and surprise. "S-Sans? Is that you my boy?" Asked in desperate the old monster. The smaller skeleton felt his legs giving up on him, and they did. Tears was starting to fall down. "I-I can't believe this.... H-How did you come back? I-I though you were... Gone?" He sounded like he was delusional about this situation. Gaster walked carefully to him and felt on his knees either. He wrapped his arms around his son and let out a sigh has he sobbed has well with him.

"I know it is confusing to you Sans. But me too. I don't know what happen... But it seems now I can live out of this place." He started to say has he tightly held his son who seem to not want to let go of him either. He feared that if he does he would disappear again. "I must have missed a lot haven't I? I kinda have my memories slowly coming back to me.. hopefully I remember you and papyrus first... You two are too precious to me." He said rubbing his son's skull head.

Sans slowly let go and looked up at him with an actual true happy smile this time. "Welcome back home dad..." He closed his eyes socket has he laughed in joy. Gaster watched him and soon joined in his laugh.
The two did missed each other.

Father and son together again..

Sans soon stopped his laugh has he rubbed his tears away with his sleeve jacket. "R-Right... I should tell paps the news about you and the new guy I met before you arrive suddenly." He said has he stood back up and dust his legs off before he gave a hand to Gaster to help him stand. Which he gladly took and stood up has well. "New guy?" He tilted his head curiously. "Is he a friend of yours? Oh my... You finally got a friend haven't you? I remember when Papyrus would be the popular one to have friends and you, you would always stay in your corner to read a book about science or stars constellation.." he started to rumble about very old memories. Sans blushed embarrassed about that. "D-Dad! Please don't made me hate you already when I just see you again!" He groaned has he hide his face in shame of how he will have to support his dad humiliating him with his childhood past.

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