"That sort of language is not acceptable in this school," he said in an annoyingly calm voice. "Why are you late?"

"You would like to know," Lupita tried and hid her arm behind her back when she caught him looking at her wrist.

"You are clearly hurt. I saw you limping and you are bleeding. I don't know where from, but you are. I would recommend you go to the nurse. I will pick you up once your next class starts." He talked in the most monotone voice and took excruciatingly long pauses between each sentence. "I assume you don't know where the nurse's office is. Follow me."

Lupita knew she didn't have a choice and reluctantly followed after the teacher.
He kept looking back at her as they walked and kept a good distance between them. Was he scared? Or was this normal here?

Lupita tried to find out where she was bleeding from and finally found a bloodstain on her thigh and a cut on her face. Nothing that serious.

They eventually reached a door that said "nurse W" on it. The vampire - Lupita had completely forgotten his name and didn't bother trying to remember it - opened the door and stepped aside to let her in.

"I have someone here for you Mrs. Smith," the vampire said as Lupita walked in. She was met with an old lady with a wrinkled face and grey hair. She was a little plump and looked very sweet. Though Lupita almost jumped out of her skin when the nurse turned and she was met with two piercing yellow eyes that did not fit the kind smile on her face.

"Oh, the new one?" she asked in a sweet voice while putting on a pair of half-moon glasses. She had a different accent than most people here, but it made her sound even sweeter.

"Yes," the vampire said and nudged Lupita in. The second he touched her though, Lupita growled. Though it wasn't her.

'Keep it together,' she thought to herself, hoping her wolf could hear her.

"Do not growl at me girl," the vampire said and forcefully pushed her towards a bed where she quickly sat down while battling her wolf for control over her actions.

"Now," the nurse said and walked over to Lupita, her yellow eyes going over her body, searching for anything. She eventually stopped at the cut on her cheek, then her bandaged hand, and finally the bloodstain on her pants. "Now this isn't good. Is it?" She looked up at Lupita who felt she needed to answer.

"It's not that serious. I've had worse," she said truthfully while the nurse took her bandaged wrist in her hands to examine it.

"Worse?" the nurse said and looked at her from over her glasses, "Well... this certainly is bad, but it seems like whoever bandaged you did a great job, though you could definitely do with cleaner bandages." She carefully placed Lupita's hand back in her lap before she walked over to her cupboard and took out a small, plastic basket. "You can leave now Mr. James."

The vampire gave Lupita one last dirty look before he walked out and carefully closed the door behind him.

"He didn't hurt you, did he?" the nurse asked as she sat down on a chair in front of Lupita before placing the basket on the bed beside her.

"No," Lupita answered shortly and let the nurse carefully take off her bandage.

"Good. He is a man with strange beliefs. He does not particularly like disobedience, especially by girls. And you are a werewolf no less," she said as she finished unwrapping the bandage and began to clean it with something that surprisingly didn't smell like anything. "He is an old vampire. Lived in the old ages and allegedly fought in 'The great war'."

"How old are you?" Lupita asked. She knew it could take hundreds of years before a werewolf would even begin to get their first wrinkles, let alone look this old.

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