Chapter 18 🏭🔪🙇‍♀️🏰

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          "So I was thinking I can't let people die and that's why we'll go and destroy Francis' plan. Today is a perfect day cause my mom is not at home so everyone. Come to my house at 4:30." I said.

"I don't know. My dad punished me to clean every window in my house. I don't want to make my punishment worse." Peter said sadly.

"But Robin is right. We're the only ones who know the truth and can stop this nonsense." Said Leila.

"Fine but you owe me for putting myself into danger." Said Peter.

When I went home, I started thinking of a plan but heard a knock on my door.

"Robin. Your friends are here. Is something wrong?" Asked Mia.

"No. All is well. Bring them here."

Some few seconds later, my friends came in.

"Alors c'est ta chambre?" Asked Vivian.

"Oui. So it's simple enough. We get in the factory and destroy it."

"Got it." Said Nibor.

"I knew it."

"Mia. Is that you?" She made herself visible.

"I'm going with you and don't try to stop me." She said seriously.

"Fine but don't be trouble." I hesitated.

We stood on top of the factory wearing black tight dresses. When we went inside, we went to an empty room and set bombs.

"Mia stay invisible in case anyone attacks." I suggested.

Then the door was opened and ten mutants older than us came in.

Nibor used his lava but one of them used water from a tank nearby to stop the lava.

Then Peter went speed and punched them but one reminded the whole thing and another went speed and punched us all except for invisible Mia.

Then Leila went invisible but one of them used heat vision and punched Leila.

          Wonder why she didn't notice Mia too. It's the same Invisibility.

Then Vivian used water to push them away but they jumped and one of them controlled metals to hit our head and a portal came below us letting us fall into it.

We woke up tied to a chair again and Francis was sitting in front of us.

"You know I hate people who interfere in my business. And right now, that's what you're doing. I don't want to kill you so don't push it. " Francis said angrily.

"We're not gonna allow you to hurt innocent people just because you want to be the strongest. What is your power anyway?" Leila asked.

"Every power."

"Then it means you're invinsible because I think the combination of yellow and blue snow gave you that power." Suggested Nibor.

"But there is someone stronger than me in this world."

"Who?" Vivian asked.

"You all are so stupid. The person has been with you the whole time. It's Mia. With the ability to copy an attack, she can defeat me."

"So. I'm only gonna ask this question once. Where is Mia?" He asked forming up lava in his hands.

I could tell it was for me. Then water out of nowhere fell on the lava and it froze.

"Leave my brother alone." It was Mia.

"What are you doing here? Run!!" I yelled.

"Ofcourse when I try to hurt someone you love, you will show up." He said smiling.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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