Chapter 4 🐕

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Robin wait!" Yelled Mia"I want to go to school with you because of the girl I told you yesterday. Her name is Carla. I don't want to go alone. She might attack me on the way PLEASE."

"Ok but hurry I'm gonna be late"

Some minutes later, Mia came out with her schoolbag.

As we were walking, I saw Nibor, Vivian, Peter and Leila. I then held Mia's hand and we ran the together.

"Finally. Where were you. We almost thought you'll never come" said Vivian.

"Sorry Vivian, sorry guys. I was waiting for my sister."

When we got to the school, we were punished because of our lateness.

"This all your fault." Leila angrily said.

" No Leila it's not Robin's fault. It's mine. I said we should wait for him." Vivian looked at Leila sadly and looked back at me and winked.

On recess, we were out of our punishment. We all bought food and sat by one big table in the cafeteria.

Then a girl in my class came with her dad, two girls behind her and a small girl about Mia's size.

"Who is that?" I asked.

"She's the richest girl in Paris. Her name is Sophie. The small girl behind her is her little sister, Carla and those girls behind her are Janice and Alice. Her royal slaves. Sophie is in control. She even controls her own father. Her father is the principal of the school and the MAYOR of the whole Paris. Sophie's little sister is in Mia's class" Nibor said.

When Sophie was walking, everyone looked at her except for a girl in Vivian's class.

She then went to the girl and told her she is expelled from the school.

Sooner on, recess was over. We said goodbye to Vivian and went to our class. Leila went inside without Mr. Lionel seeing her but we couldn't .

"Mr. Lionel. I think your marker is on the floor" Leila said looking at us.

We then went inside before Mr. Lionel took his marker. Sooner on, it was recess again but I just sat down.

Then Peter held my hand and yelled my name. I looked at him surprised.

"Robin are you okay?"

"I think so"

Our next subject was science. Mr. Gotham walked in and started a new topic on PARTICLES OF MATTER.

Some hours later, we went home. When we reached home, we watched television for 3 hours and then the bell was rang.

I went to the door and opened it. It was mom.

" SURPRISE!!" She yelled holding a puppy. "I bought a puppy 🐶 you can finally play with"

She gave the puppy to me and went inside to hug Mia.

I played with the puppy for about 3 minutes and went to my room to sleep.

Thanx for reading.
U Don't know how much it means to me that u read my story


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