Chapter 10 🌯🧓🪱🛏🎤

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Early in the morning, I woke up due to a loud noise spoiling my ears. It was Mia.

          "No! No! No! No! Nooooooooooooo!!! I want bao burgurs not galettes."

          "What's going on?" I asked.

          "Robin your sister has been shouting all morning. She doesn't like her food. We tried everything but she just wouldn't eat. Do you know anything that can make her eat?" Peter asked.

          "No. I don't know anything."

          "Excuses excuses. Mia I have the world's most delicious falafel. Why don't you eat the falafel and forget about the bao burgurs and galettes. Sound good?" Vivian asked.

          "Ok. I'll eat the falafel."

          "Nicely done Vivian." Roxy and Leila said giving Vivian a High five.

When we finished eating we were given some dresses to wear. Some minutes later, Peter came and sent me to a room then he left.

          "Hi, my name is Dr. Dicky. Don't be scared. I'm only gonna ask you one question. Do you know your powers?" A man from nowhere asked.

          "Yes. My power is talking to animals." I answered.

         "But is that all? or you haven't discovered the other."

         "I ...... I don't know." I said.

          "Nonsense. If you have another powers today is the day you'll know and control them."

He then brought out a box with a serpant inside. Then he opened the box and told me to control it but I didn't find any new power. I began to lose hope that I had another power.

Dr. Dicky also gave up. Some minutes later, Percy came back for me and sent me to my friends.

          "Robin what happened?" Rocky and Roxy asked

          "They just showed me how to use my power."

          "Did they hurt you?" Mia asked

        "What? No! If they hurt me I would've told you to run. Just kidding."

          "Run, run." Mia said running fast around in a circle.

I told her to come and she came. She did everything I told her whislch was weird.

          "Robin! Are you controlling your sister?" Rocky asked surprised.

         "I think so but how do I stop?"

         "What's going on. Why am I sitting on the floor?" Mia asked.

          "Mia you're back." Peter said.

          "Back from where." she asked.

          "Wait what? Don't you remember anything strange today?" Leila asked.

          "Nope nothing. Except for me sitting in the floor and Peter telling me I'm back."

          "Maybe this is one of my powers. Controlling humans and talking to animals."

          When it was 7:00pm and the lights were off, I took a flashlight and woke my friends up.

          "Robin why're you calling us by this time?" Rocky asked yawning.

         "Shhhhhh. Whisper when you talk and don't wake the other mutants up."

          "Robin who've we up?" Leila whispered yawning.

          "I'm sorry to wake you up guys but we must find a way out of this place. I also promised Mia she'll see mom again. "

          "Cracking tiaras. Why didn't you wake Mia up?" Leila asked with anger.

          "Because she's small. She needs full rest." Vivian answered.

          "So how do we get out of here. Any ideas?" Nibor asked.

          "We must get the key that opens the big gate." Rocky said.

          "So do any of you know where the key is? Wait. It must be in the master's room. The one who controls this place. But this plan will only work if we knew the master's office. "Peter said.

          "Guys. Wait. We might know a way to enter Mr. Charlie's office without anyone knowing." Said the twins.

          "Right. Who is Mr. Charlie?" Peter asked and Roxy sighed.

          "He's  the master." I said.

          "Guys. I'm feeling sleepy. Can we talk about this tomorrow?" Leila asked.

          "Leila is right. Everyone needs a rest." Vivian agreed.

          "Good night guys." We said to each other and slept.


          I woke up due to Mia yelling my name.

          "You were sleeping forever. I had to wake you up and oh. Roxy and Rocky found a way to get to Mr. Charlie's office.


Thanx for reading

You r doing great😋😋

Keep going  👍👍

See how they escape. It was amazing I cannot lie.

M.U.T.A.N.T. 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें