Chapter 14 🔫🏰🍶

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          When they saw us, they used their walkie - talkies to alert the other soldiers.

Then they started shooting. Some seconds later, the other soldiers arrived.

          Then, some mutants created a force field shield to protect us but then a soldier shot a very powerful bullet and it passed through the shield and hit Rocky.

He fell and died a tragic death. Then Roxy knelt down and started crying. Then, she got angry.

           Her hair and eyes turned blue. She flew to the sky and said.

          "You good for nothing insignificant soldiers. You killed the only person that made my life happy. And now, I'll reward you by killing you mercilessly." She said as her voice echoed.

           "AZRO - MINCA - TOSHI "

Then, all the soldiers fell and blood came from their mouth and they died.

          Except for one but we didn't see him. After all the mutants had jumped in, we arrived at the other side of the portal.

Then, the last soldier with his last life decided to take a gun🔫. And aimed it at Mia. Roxy yelled Mia's name running towards her.

           She pushed Mia, Mia fell and got hurt.

          "Mia!! You okay?" I asked.

          "I am. Is Roxy okay?"

          "I don't think so. She got shot and I think she's dead." Nibor suggested.

          "I wish there was a way to bring her bag but we have to get out of here." Said Peter.

When we were walking the ground started shaking and Mr. Charlie's office got bombed.

          "What just happened." Vivan asked.

          "D ..... did I f ...... forget to tell you that, I left a bomb on the walls?" Mia asked.

          "As a matter of fact you did." Leila said.

          After all that,  the mutants thanked us and we all went home. When we rang the bell, mom came out and yelled our name.

          "Robin. Mia thank goodness you're okay."

          When we got in, we sat down and turned the television.

          "And Robin, you're grounded for a week for leaving home without my permission and allowing your little sister to join in."

This time on the news, it was said that a new drink has been made with the idea of mayor Fiero and it is called

         Anti   Alive   Power   Drink🍶

They also said you need to buy it for only €1 and made for only mutants. But I'm curious.  

          Why will someone name a drink anti alive. Because anti means opposite or against. I don't feel free about this anti alive. 

After the news, mom told me to go to my room because I was grounded.


          Early in the morning, I woke up and went to school. Everything was A okay and all students were back in action.

          Luckily, our last subject  was mathematics and because Mr. Lionel was sick, it was like a free period.

I picked Mia and we started walking home.


Now you can sqee how the anti alive drinks work in the next subject.


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