Ch 8: Phantoms from the Past

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Everyone was in shock. The people of Adventure Bay couldn't believe that their beloved heroes were the descendants of Barkingburg's heroes. As for the pups and Ryder, they couldn't believe that their ancestors were once a team like them.

"So, wait a minute, the PAW Patrol are the descendants of Barkingburg's heroes, the Canine Knights?!" Daring Danny X exclaimed.

"It would appear that way." the Princess replied.

"Well, no wonder you pups are rescuers!" Captain Turbot exclaimed, "It's in your blood!"

"It is." Ryder said still in shock about his family's ancestry.

"I can't believe this." Skye said.

"Princess, how did you know that the Canine Knights are our ancestors?" Rubble asked.

"I didn't." the Princess replied, "But when I met all of you, I couldn't get over the fact that you looked so familiar. Then later when I looked at the painting of the Knights, it seemed so coincidental that you looked like them. So I began to suspect that maybe you were related."

"But wait a minute, why didn't any of our parents tell us this?" Chase asked.

"That's because they didn't know." said a male voice.

A cold breeze suddenly swept into the room. Seven orbs of light appeared. They manifested into seven figures. A boy and six pups. The Canine Knights.

Everyone's eyes were wide at the sight of the deceased heroes of Barkingburg.

"The Canine Knights." Alex gasped.

"Hello Ryder, pups." Charles said cheerfully, his brown eyes sparkling.

"Nice to meet our 8th great-grandchildren." Chance said smiling.

"And of course you too Princess." Skyler said, her pink eyes glistening.

"You're the Canine Knights. The heroes of Barkingburg." the Princess said in awe.

"Indeed we are child." Granite said.

"Wow, you all look so alike." Katie said, noticing the resemblances between the PAW Patrol and the Canine Knights.

"Well, certain traits are passed down in our families." Blaze said.

"So y'all didn't die during the Battle of Good and Evil?" Francois asked.

"No, we didn't." Richard said, "We survived."

"Maybe you need to hear the whole story." Arthur suggested before turning to his leader, "Charles?"

"Sure thing Arthur." Charles said to his Labrador before turning to everyone to tell the team's origin, "200 years ago, I was just a boy living in Barkingburg with my parents. I had always wanted to help people, and I started to at an early age, and my life was perfect. But one day, everything changed."

"What happened?" Ryder asked.

Charles's face grew sad as he dawned on painful memories before speaking, "One drizzling day, my parents and I were walking across the street when an out of control cart sped down the street and towards us. I was so shocked I couldn't move. Then my father pushed me out of the way, and the cart hit him and my mother. They died instantly."

Everyone was almost crying at Charles's tragic story. Especially the pups and Ryder. They knew what it was like to lose your parents.

"I'm so sorry." the Princess said.

"It's alright." Charles said, "After they died, I had the overwhelming desire to help and save people, so they wouldn't suffer the same fate as my parents. But I knew I couldn't do it on my own, so I wanted to form a team, but I didn't know how."

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