Why ichigo why ?

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Disclaimer :I do NOT OWN bleach at all

Rukia is thinking while she is kidnapped 'why ichigo ?! Why !' .as aizen is watching rukia's body he is thinking of a way to make ichigo suffer.

'If she only hadn't got in the way ! I would've been able to be the king or God of hell and soul society ' as aizen thinks that ,and looks at rukia his face softens.

'I can't believe she is actually sitting here with me ! I Have been waiting for her since birth. ' aizen thinks


As rukia's sister ( I don't know her name sorry) is taking care of her as a baby , something strange happens!

Out of nowhere this kid who has glasses comes and asks for food.

He looked only about 1 years old and he didn't have any parents. As rukia's sister looks at him rukia wakes up and whines.

"Why is she so loud "aizen says out loud . Rukia's sister looks at him and laughs and says "because she needs attention "

Maybe one day she can depend on me for the things that she needs ! As time grew and rukia grew up, he vowed himself to protect her . rukia had always had suspicion that someone was watching her but not know who.

Flashback end

As aizen softly brushes his hand against Rukias cheeks he slowly goes into his castle .

What will happen to her ? Will aizen succeed and capturing her or. Will she break free ? Will she remember ? Where is ichigo and everyone ?

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