Chapter 8- Gallifrey Falls No More

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"I pronounce you husband and wife" As soon as the priest said that, Elizabeth was all over 10th Doctor.

"Is there a lot of this in the future?" Granddad asked looking at my Doctor.

"Its starts to happen." I crossed my arms, and I felt my Doctors arms pull me aside, and he too, started kissing me. It became passionate, and The Doctor put both of his hands on cheek. We heard a scoff as out lips parted and we turned to face everyone else.

"I will be right back." I heard 10 say and ran off to his TARDIS. We followed after him, entering his TARDIS.

"I remember this old place." I said smiling and brushing one of the Y-beams with my hand.

"You let this place go a bit." Granddad said as I giggled.

"Don't you listen to him" I watched as 10 pet the TARDIS console. Suddenly, we all fell back, and the TARDIS changed. It didn't look like either of the ones I have seen. It was very bright to say the least.

"Desktop is glitching!" 10 stated.

"Three of us from different time zones, its trying to compensate. I looked at him and scoffed.

"4 of us. Lets not forget I used to have my own TARDIS." I saw as my Doctors face lit up.

"Oh look! The round things!" He said pointing behind him. "I love the round things!" 10 said very annunciated.

"What are the round things?" my Doctor asked taking my hand.

"No idea." sand shoes said looking around.

"Oh dear! the frgim-confro-frigulater!" my Doctor said letting of my hand and running over to the other side of the console. Sparks flew off of the console, and the TARDIS changed again.

"Oh my. I haven't seen this place in awhile." I said smiling wide. The inside of my TARDIS has deep green walls, with gold flooring, and black Gallifreyan writing along the walls next to the tinted string lights. I smiled at The Doctor. "You know, I should really let you fly the TARDIS sometime." He walked up to me, and gave me a behind hug.

"Thats probably not a good idea." I said pulling levers and pressing buttons.

"whys that?" he said confused.

"I didn't pass my test. Spoilers" I said turning to him and winking. The TARDIS changed again, and this time it was my Doctors TARDIS.

"Stabilizers on!" he said running around the console. "Oh you've redecorated. I don't like it." my Doctor looked directly at him.

"Ohh yeah. Oh. You never do. Listen, we're going to the national gallery, because the Zygons are right underneath it.

"Wait. UNIT headquarters. They followed us into the black archive!" they all looked at me at once.

"Okay, so you've heard of that then." I listened as The Doctor talked into the radio, conversing with the Kates.

"I am talking to from a space time telegrapher. I gave to your father as a gift, and is wired strait to the TARDIS. I know about the black archive, and I know about the security protocol. Please tell me you are not about to do something unbelievably stupid!" I looked at the other Doctors who were studied on The Doctor. In both them, I could see little but and pieces of my Doctor in them. I took my attention away from them, and then gave it back to my Doctor. Kate was talking about how she was going to blow up where they were, and probably kill a lot of people with them.

"Don't do it Kate! This is a decision that you wont be able to live with!" I watched as 10 and 11 mad eye contact after him saying that.

"Kate! We're trying to bring the TARDIS in. Why can't we land?" I could tell 11 was getting frustrated with the TARDIS.

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