Chapter 11~Beautiful

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hi. I am so pissed off right now. I wrote part of this chapter then go up and went down staris for about 3 minutes and my computer froze and i couldnt get back on it. I had to turn off my computer then turn it off and re-do the whole chapter now i have to try and remember what i wrote in this chapter. Fuck My Life.


Kota's POV

After we we left from Tylers house, Jason didnt take us to my house. I have been asking him the same question for about 5 minutes now. 'Jason, where are you taking us', i would say. He everytime he would say the same thing, 'wait and see' but i was done waiting to see, i wanted to know NOW. "Jason where are you taking us", i said for the 5th time. "i told you i would tell you if you stopped asking. But you havent stopped asking so now im not telling you", he said as he grabbed my hand and smushed it with his. I was pretty mad now. I yanked my hand out of his and put my head to the window. We were in Jasons dodge truck cause he didnt let me take mine, it was still at the school. There was trees on both sides, my side (right) and Jason's side (left). "Jason, i sweat to go if you are taking us out her so you can kill me and Ryan then i am going to haunt your ass and make you life a living hell", i said looking at him. He laughed lighty, "im not going to kill you or Ryan. Baby girl just calm down im not going to hurt you", he said back. 


After about 5 minutes we came into this opening out of the trees. It was so beautiful. "Jason" i said. He smiled and looked at me, "What baby", he said back. "Its beautiful", was all i could get out. He smiled, "i thought you would like this". Before i could ask any questions, Jason reached over and un-buckled my seat belt, put his arm around my tummy and poulled me to his side.   

On Jasons side there was a log cabbin with a rope swing hanging from a big tree in front of the cabbin. On my side there was a big hill that went down, even tho it was almost all the way dark i could see the cows sleeping or grazing the grass. A wire fence is around the big hill/feild keeping the cows in. There are little humpes on the road that make your tummy do little flips. On the side with the cabbin up from that is a big white house with a porch that has a porch swing and chairs waiting for people to complet them. On the same side up the road is a fenced in feild with more cows cooling in a small pond, huddling together. Driving up the road more is a stop sign, to the right there is a abanded slaughterhouse for pigs. The road is a to way stop, you can turn left or stay straight. Jason turned left, there was a little feild on the right side of the road. Down the gravel was a little house that was white, to the left of the house there was a fenced in area with a horse trailer. Standing by the fence was a beautiful tall brown horse with sparkling brown eyes. Jason turned right, there was a blue house that had a swing by the front door. To the right of the house is a big green shop with big doors that slides to the side to open. To the right across the road is all forest, right down the road is a little car shelter that had broken down through the long years. There was forest behind it. We turned left and saw a little bridge with a little stream of water under it. On the other side of the bridge to the right is a little feild with trees around it. On the left there is a old, old house that has cats everywhere. You turn left and there is this huge house with a long gravel driveway that goes to the front of the house. We went straght up the road, on the left is a fenced in pond with a wooden dock. A paddle boat resting in the grass next to the dock. Across from that on the other side of the road is a small blue house that has moss and trees around around it, you can tell that there was trees cut down around the house. Next to the house is a road that goes farther into the woods, you could turn right or go straught. On the left side is a drive way the goes to a little blue house with a truck in the drive way. In front of that house is a big shop with old beat up cars and truck outside everywhere. We went straught up the road, to the right is a pond with trash everywhere and long grass, up from that is a big oak tree with long branches. To the left is a little trailer that has tree branches, moss, and long grass covering the house. Up from that there is a big pond with fish swimming around. Farther up the road that goes up hill there are fences on both sides. On one side i could see a new just built house with feild everywhere. On the right is a white trailer with tress lined up by the fence. Jason pulled into the dive way to the house that was white with the 5 trees. "Jason where are we?", i asked. "this is my house baby girl", he said back. It was a very pretty house. Jason and i got out, Jason picked up Ryan and we walked to the house. I stept into the house, it was dark. "follow me, i am going to put Ryan to bed and then we can go to bed", he said. I followed him into a room, he layed Ryan down and then gave him a kiss on the head. Jason turn around and gave me a smile, he grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hall to a big bedroom with a big bed that had black sheets and a black blanket.

~becomes sexual so WARNING~

Jason started kissing my neck, i let a little moan out. Jason slowly put me on the bed still kissing me. He is on top of me and in under him, he puts his hands on my tummy and keeps them there. I rap my legs around his waist and rap my arms around his neck. I pull of his shirt, after i get his shirt off he stops and looks at me. "kota, are you sure you want to do this after what happened with......him.....", he said not saying his name. "yes, im not scared of you and i want this", i said back. Jason bends down and starts kissing me hard and slow, he slowly pulles my shirt off. I start to un-do his botten on his pants, he realises what im doing and he gets out of his pants faster than a squirrl climbs a tree. Jason pulles my jeans off in one swope. He places kissed down my jaw and neck. He startes kissing my tummy, i start laught cause it tickles. "Jason, that tickles", i said while laughing. He looks up at me and smiles, i pull his back to me and start kissing him. I put my hand on his blue boxers but didnt do anything. Jason puts his hands on mine and pushed his boxers off. He quitly takes off my bra and underwear. He pulled the blanket over up. "you beautiful Kota. I love you", he said into my ear. "i love you too Jason", i said kissing his shoulder. Jason slowly enters me, i let out a moan and so does he. He starts to move a little and it still kinda hurts from Tyler. "Jason", i wimper from a little pain but mostly happness and plasure. "what! Am i hurting you. Dammit i knew we should have been doing this", he said sound kinda angry. "no it only hurts a little your not hurting me tho",  i say trying to calm him down. "do you want to stop, i hate hurting you", he asked. "no", i say. With that he slowl started to move again, i grab his shoulder and start to moan, he moans with me. He pulles out of me, we are still kissing, he pulles me so that i am on top of him. "i love you so much kota", he wisperes. "Jason, i love you too. You are the best thing in my life", i say back. Some after that we fall asleep.  

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