Chapter 3~Basketball practice and him.

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Chapter 3~basketball practice and him

Tyler's POV

I walked to the PE room to help the coaches with the other half of the group because there were 2 classes in PE in one gym. Coach Jason asked if i could help him and i said yes. I call also call him coach because he was my basketball coach.

Me and Jason were talking in the middle of the gym, when i heard the door open, and saw Kota. "Jason, thats the girl i was talking about the got in a fight with Dustin", i told him. "well then we better watch them cause they are both in gym class together and he has to come to gym becaue she was ok to come", he told me. She walked past me and i smiled at her, she blushed and looked at the ground. Damm she looked so cute when she blushed. But why did she look at the ground and pretend that i wasnt there?

The rest of the students started walking in, right away i saw Dustin and once he noticed me he gave me a dirty look. Oh it looks could kill, i would be dead. Ever one was all done getting dressed, everyone was in shorts and a t-shirt. But Kota, she was still in here jeans and hoodie looking at the ground with her hood over her head. Why was she hiding? She was so pretty and she was hiding behind a hood.

Jason had everyone start out by running 3 laps around the gym. I only noiced Kota, she was really fast. She was the first one done by 2 laps! She walked and stood aganst the wall, i walked over to her, for some reason i just had to ask why she was hiding her pretty face.

"Kota", i pretty much wispered. She didnt look at me, her green eyes seemed glued to the ground under us. After a a couple seconds she finally said someone but still didnt look at me. "hmm", was all she said. "Why are you hiding you pretty face behind a hoodie?", i said in a whisper/voiced. She shiffted but stood frozen.


Kota's POV

Tyler. He was standing with coach Jason talking about something i could care less about. I walked past him to what looked like the girls locker room. I walked past them, Tyler smiled at me. I felt myself blush so i looked at the ground and pretended that he wasnt there.

Everyone was done changing so we all walked out in a group, the bimbos in the front and me with my hood over my head in the back. All the bimbos were standing around Tyler trying to get him to smile at them and talk to them. I stood as far back as possiable with my hood on and looking at the ground. 'Coach Jason' people called him made all of us start with running 3 laps, i was the first one done by 2 lap. I was alway the fastest person in my old school. I stood by the wall up aganst it when i saw feet in front of me. "Kota", his voice was more of a wisper. I didnt know what to say. "hmm", was all i could think of saying. I still didnt look at him, and i know it was making him mad. "why are you hiding you pretty face behind a hoodie", he said. I stiffened and frozen. The last person the called me pretty was my mom...........right before she dead. A tear went down my cheek, i was hoping that he wouldnt have seen but i guess he saw. He put his hand to my face, i flinched in pain and because i was scared he would have hit me. "please dont hurt me", i flinched into the wall trying to get away from him. "i would never hurt you, why would you ever think that", he said a little loud. I stood still snuggled into the wall. "Kota, Tyler please join the rest of ever one", coach Jason said. "yeah bitch, faggot get over here", Dustin said. That pissed me off and i started walking to him faster then i thought i could walk. I was steps away from him, when a warm hand grab my wrist and a shock went thought me. I was pulled into a warm chest, i was trying to get away pushing and kicking. "kota its ok, please calm down", when i heard his sweet voice i calmed down a little and stopped kick. "if i let go will you stay", he said. I was going to said no, but "yes" came out instade. He let go and i felt cold, i stood there thinking if i should really stay. Before i could think anymore there was a chest in front of me. "kota, please look at me", Tyler wispered to me. I looked in his beautiful eye and felt like i was going to melt. "What!", i pretty much yelled. Now everyone was staring at us. "Ok bout we play dodgeball", coach Jason said. All the kids looked away from me and Tyler and split into 2 teams, and yes i was on one team and Dustin-asshole was on the other side staring at me with a smirk. I love dodgeball and kicked ass. Coach Jason blow the whistle and i picked up a ball and ran behind a dude that was much taller than me.

I came out of covering and saw Dusti looking at a different girl making faces. I threw the ball and it hit him right in the head. He glarded at me and walked out with everyone that was out. I was the last one out. The bell rang and i was the first one to leave. The rest of my classes where boring and i mostly stared outside the whole time.


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