Chapter 8~where is he?!

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~next day~

Kota's POV

It was now morning and i woke up on my own, which was suprising cause i usally woke up cause of a nightmare or Ryan needing me to turn the tv on. Jason was asleep beside me. He looked so cute when he was sleeping. I looked at the clock and it read: 12:00, wow I sleep late. I was now wondering why Ryan hasn't woke me up or needed anything, i decided to see what he was doing. I walked into his room and saw his bed messy, he always makes his bed. I walked into the living room, the tv was off and there was no Ryan. He wasnt in the kitchen, bathroom, any of the bedrooms, NO WHERE. I ran into my room. "JASON", i yelled. Jason jumped up about 4 feet off the bed, "What Kota, i was sleeping", he said annoyed. "okay, well why your fucking sleeping i will just LOOK FOR MY MISSING BROTHER ALONE", i shouted at him, tears going down my cheek. I ran to my closet and got some jeans, a t-shirt, and some nikes. Jason was still sitting on my bed just looking at me like i was a bird that ran into a window. "what are you staring at!", i said in a loud mean voice. "Kota, what did you say", he whispered. "I said you, can sleep why-", he cut me off. "I heard that what did you say after that". "i said i will just look for my missing brother alone", i told him a little annoyed. "Ryan'a missing!", he yelling already jumping to get his clothes. "yes, i cant find him anywhere", i whispered. He came over to me and pulled me into a hug. "baby, we will find him i promise", he whispered into my neck.


Ryan's POV

I was in my bed in my sissy's house when i was woke up by my door opening. I thought it was just going to be my big sissy Ota, but it was a guy. He stood there giving me a scary smile. "your sister will learn that i get what i want", he said to me, he started walking closer to me, i didn't know what to do. Should i yell for sissy or that really nice guy that is with her, i think his name is Jay. I sometimes called him daddy, i know he really wasn't though. The scary guy was really close now and before i could yell for Jason, the guy put tape on my mouth and taped my hands. He has a piece of paper, he put it on my bed, i didnt get to see what it said because the guy picked me up and put me over his shoulder. He walked to sissys and Jawson's room and opened the door, they were sleeping. They guy just made a scary face and he looked really mad, i wonder why.

The guy closed her door and walked to the front door of the little howse i live in. We walked outside without anyone seeing use, he threw me in the back set of his big car and got in and started to drive. We can to a big scary old house in the woods, he got me from the back seat and dragged me into the house, he put me in a big room with a high bed in it on the top floor. He took the tape off my mouth and hands, i thought about bitting his fat fingers cause i was hungry but i remembered what sissy said, "never ever bit anyone even if you want to its not nice" I didnt want to make her mad by bitting him so i didn't. I had one thought. "Whats your name", i blurted out.

He laughted. "My name, is-"

Im falling for my coach!?!?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang