Chapter 10~What To Do (part 2)

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hey heres part 2 hope you like


Kota's POV

I was a little scared now that Jason was here and yelling at me. I didnt know what to say, so many questions where going through my head. Did all that really just happen? How did Jason find me? Is he mad at me for not telling him? That is only a little of what was going throught my head. "Kota", Jason quite voice. I didnt say anything, i didnt know what to say. "Look at me", i didnt. "KOTA, LOOK AT ME", i was to scared to look at him. Jason grabbed my chin and lifted me head up, i still didnt let my eyes look into his. "im sorry for yelled baby", he said in a wisper. I finally said something, "are you mad?", i wispered. He didnt say anything, he let out a long breath. "ok than", i said. I slowly pushed his hand away from my chin and backed away from him. He look shocked, he was staring at me not moving. I finally turned around and walked out of the room. I had to find my brother.


There was only 1 room upstaires so that means Ryan had to be down staires. I walked into the kitchen and didnt see him, then i went to a room next to the kitchen. I opened the door and stopped..........the room was full of pictures. OF ME. It was pretty creepy, they were EVERYWHERE. I had to get ovet this and find Ryan fast. He wasnt in there or the bathroom. He wasnt anywhere, i decided to look up staires just in case i didnt look somewhere. I walked into the room i saw in upstaires, i walked in a look around. Tyler was still there looking dead on the floor, Jason was standing where i left him. He was staring off into space, but then i noticed it. He was crying, a tear was running down his cheek. I walked in front, i didnt even seem like he knew i was there. "Jason", i wispered. It was like he came back to earth, he looked down at me, into my eyes. He didnt say anything. "whats wrong", i asked. After a few secondes after i asked the question he anwsered. "your leaving me, after you said you wouldnt", he wispered starting to cry more. "i-im not leaving you Jason. i-im s-sorry", i shuttered. He looked shocked. "but you walked away from me", he wispered. I didnt really know what t say to that, yes i left because he was mad at. "you were mad at me", i said. He didnt do anything, just stood there. "Kota, i was mad because i fell asleep, i didnt watch you. Protect you, i should have been there for you. I was mad at myself for not being her in time, not saving you in time. And now im not the only one that has had sex with you", he said. I was the one shocked now. I walked up to him and put my arms around him. "Yes Jason that is true but you are the only one i love", i wispered into his chest. "i love too Kota, im so sorry". "dont be i did this to myself", i sad back. "no you didnt you just wanted to find Ryan". After he said that i started shaking. "Kota whats wrong baby your shaking", he said with a panic look. "RYAN", i yelled. "KOTA, HELP ME", Ryans little voice yelled from somewhere in the room. I started looking around, i saw that there was a closer. I didnt notice that before. I ran over to the closet and pulled it open, Ryan ran from the closet into my arms. "i missed you Ryan, are you ok", i asked. "yes im ok i love u i missed you too", he replied. He then ran to Jason, it was cute to see my boyfriend and little brother treat eachother like family. "Uncle Jason, i missed you", he said. I was fighting back a AAAWWWW, but it was getting hard. "I missed you too buddy, how about we go home. We all need sleep, we can all sleep in sissys bad", Jason said looking at me. I shock my head telling him yes. Jason picked Ryan up and toke my hand and walked us down stairs. We go to Jasons truck. "meet me at your house", he said. I said ok and kissed him.

We spent the rest of the bad watching movies, cuddling, and sleeping.


Sorry its so short, it was just part 2 so i just wanted to finish what was happening lasted i stop. I will update soon, hopw you liked it. (:

Not edited*

~Love Life~

Im falling for my coach!?!?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ