Chapter 8 (Three Chances)

Start from the beginning

     "Duh. That is different," I denied. "They load me with high quality of sperm and placed it near to my egg," 

     "You can go back to do that procedure, right?" She suggested. 

     I doubted Jihyo's memory. "Did you forget Jungkook wants to do it in a natural way?" 

     "But why?" She asked me a good question. I also don't know the reason. "Did Leon tell you?" 

    Shaking my head. "He said he doesn't know and it's not his place to question his boss's decision," I mocked, but I also feel grateful because Leon highlighted to me about the three times rule. I just signed the agreement without reading it properly. Putting my trust in Jungkook that he sincerely wants to help with no trick behind it, makes me blindly signed. 

     "So what is your plan?" 

     "What plan?" I answered in question form. I don't have any. 

     "You must plan properly if you want to win this battle," Jihyo encouraged me. If this is a real battle, I will take a gun and shoot Jungkook right away at his thick head. "I will help you gather the information and tricks," she eager to help. 

     "Tricks?" Poking at my stone chicken with a plastic fork.

   "Tricks to get you pregnant easily," she blurted. Half of my plastic fork flew at her after its snap into two parts. So quick and easy, she came up with the plan without discussing it with me. The person who should get pregnant. 


Running around the department while attending patients leaves us not much time to collect the data. Jihyo acts like my PA and does the detailed research by asking married staff or who has a child. How they do to make themselves or their partner pregnant. Some give us the same lame answer.

     "Why majority answer with the same question?" It annoyed me by looking at the paper. The same words I write and then cross it. Over and over.

      "Through love," Jihyo read the word. "That is important to make a baby. Don't you think so?" she asked.

     "No." I disagreed. "Only two things are required; couples and sex." I lied when my heart said otherwise. The birth of someone should be based on love so that we will appreciate their existence.

     "Yeah. Whatever you said." Jihyo replied.

     Taking a note from Jihyo's hand, there are several points that she jot down. "Lying with both legs up immediately after finishing?" I asked. My eyes are cursed when she offers to do the demonstration on the empty bed.

     Rolling my eyes to escape the horror. I continue to read the paper.

     "Denial what?" I pointed at the handicap handwriting after the denial word. She came closer after bringing down her legs.

     "Denial orgasm." She said in a chill mood where I can't sit properly hearing that idea.

     "And what is the benefit of this trick?" I clarified with her. "Other than getting myself killed." Look at her after my attempt to search for additional information on the paper fails.

     "They said if the men are desperate to release for several times. It will shoot their semen out more powerful." Jihyo claimed.

     Several times? One time cannot guarantee my safety and she wants me to hold him for several times. Maybe I can prepare my coffin before sleeping with Jungkook.

     "How do you suggest I do this?"

     "They said you have to ride him."

     "Ride him?" I asked. "He is not the bicycle that I can ride." Jihyo raises her shoulder as she also doesn't know. The real problem here, two virgins sit together and discuss sex. We hold the idea until we find out the meaning behind it.

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