14-Disaster Strikes

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[Wilbur POV]

The eight of us headed to the assembly hall on the ground floor, our footsteps echoing ominously as we passed through the dark, empty corridors.

The heavy oak doors were opened to reveal a room with thousands of seats, rather like an especially big theater, with a long table situated at the front, a little way before the stage.

We each took a seat at the the table: Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and I across from Dream's now not so horrible friends.

"So..." I began, "anyone got any ideas?"

Everyone turned to look at me.

Sapnap shrugged. "Dunno."

"We should at least think of something," said Karl, "first, we come to an agreement on what happened to Dream and George. Us four and Tubbo are sure that they must've set off some trap or opened up a secret passageway."

I scoffed. "Then how the hell are we supposed to get to them?"

"That's what we're trying to find out," said Tubbo. "Our best bet right now is to try and do whatever they did. I remember that right before they disappeared, George had shoved Dream against the wall. We can start from there."

"Okay..." Bad pondered things for a moment, then said, "we'd better take turns searching. We'll split up into pairs of two. I'll go with Quackity, and Tommy—you go with Wilbur. The lovebirds can go together, and Tubbo and Ranboo can go together."

"Hey! We aren—"

"Shut up Sapnap," Quackity said, smirking at their intertwined hands under the table, "you can't even sit down without having some form of PDA. I mean, look at them!" He gestured towards Tubbo and Ranboo. They're dating in a block game, and even they don't act like this in game."

The lovebirds, as their friends called them, blushed, and I held in a laugh. I could see why so many people liked them.

"Anyway..."He continued, "since that's all set, let's decide who goes when. I call first round, just 'cause I feel like it."

"Okay then," said Bad, getting up and stretching, "we'll stay for about...an hour and a half? Then we'll switch with Karl and Sapnap."

"Tommy and I will go last," I said. "Tubbo and Ranboo can go before us."

"So, we'll come back at seven thirty?"

Sapnap checked his watch. "Yep."

Quackity and Bad got up from their seats and disappeared behind the door, leaving the four of us with the remaining two.

We stared blankly at them.

They stared blankly back.

After a very long, tension-filled silence, Tommy eventually spoke.

"What if we can't find George? What would we do then?"

I sighed heavily. "Look, Tommy, the first twenty four hours after somebody goes missing are the most crucial. If we don't find him in the next day, we'll just keep trying. If we don't find him in the next week, we'll have to assume the worst—but hopefully that time will never come."

"As much as I hate to say this, he's right," said Sapnap, looking up expressionlessly. "We can't lose hope this early on. Besides, with eight different people searching,  there's close to no chance that we'll miss out on any small details."

I nodded slowly and they each returned it. By doing so, we came to a collective agreement not to talk at all.

This time, however, it was a comfortable silence.

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