4-Cold Sweat

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[George's POV]

We fell...

...And fell...

...And fell...

...And fell...


Thump. I landed on something firm and warm.

There came a pained groan from somewhere underneath me and, with a start, I realized that I'd landed on Dream.

I abruptly stood up and brushed myself off, not wanting to seem weird. Dream followed suit, though with smaller movements.

The room was pitch black.

All the anger I had previously felt came back to me in an instant.

Barely managing to make out Dream's outline through the darkness, I marched up to him, shoving him against the wall.

Both pairs of eyes widened in horror as, before either could speak, a distinct grating noise brought our attention to a single stone panel, which, even as we watched, had began sinking into the wall upon impact.

Our greatest fear was then confirmed as a second, much louder grating, sounded about ten feet above us.

Silence fell over the two of us as we wordlessly watched the stone slab slide back into place.

A distant yell was cut off by the slamming of stone against stone.

Then, everything went silent. Not for long, though.

Dream slowly lowered his gaze from the ceiling. I didn't even need to see his face to know that he was livid.

"What'd you do that for?" He spat, "now we're trapped and it's all your fault!"

"My fault?!" I scoffed, "None of this would've happened if you hadn't tried to kidnap me!"

"None of this would've even happened if Wilbur hadn't decided to steal my journal and fucking out me!" He fumed.

"So this is your revenge? Kidnap Tubbo and I?"

"It was a good idea."

"No it wasn't. All you really wanted to do was to get revenge on Wilbur."

"I already have."

Hearing this, I felt just a bit nervous."If you kidnapped me, what did you do to him?"

"The same," he smirked, "except Sapnap and I...taught him a lesson."

My eyebrows furrowed. That didn't sound good. "So then, what were you gonna do to me and Tubbo?"

He rolled his eyes. "Leave you there 'till morning, and if you hadn't been found by then, we'd release you and force you to stay quiet."

"What if we didn't?"

"Then I wouldn't care."

"That's not true." Honestly, I was surprised.

"Yes it is. It's not like my life could get any worse after..." he trailed off.

"After what happened in the cafeteria last Friday." I finished his sentence for him.

"Yeah." He looked away.

There was a long silence.

I had to admit, even though I disliked him, he didn't deserve to get outed like that. I still remembered what had happened when I got outed at my previous school. It did not feel good.

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