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[Sapnap's POV]

After Dream and I parted ways, I headed back to the roof. Karl and Quackity were already up there. They seemed to be deep in conversation, backs facing me. As I neared them, I started hearing snippets of what they were saying.

"No, you don't get it—he's straight!"

"How do you know that? Have you asked him or something?"

"Well, no, but—"

"Then you're probably just overthinking this! What if he does like boys?"

"He'd still never like me! Why would someone like him like someone like me? He's too good for me!"

I stopped in my tracks. Karl likes boys? Why am I just finding out about this?

"That's not true, Karl," I said, smirking.

Both boys jumped, obviously not having heard me approach.

Karl glanced up, blushing and refusing to meet my eyes."Oh—uhh—hi Sap..."

Quackity, on the other hand, acted like nothing had happened. "Oh, hey! Did you do it?"

I nodded. "Yeah, you?"

"Yep. Man somehow managed to vandalize ninety percent of the classroom in less that five minutes! Tubbo was there, too. Props to them, though. It's not easy. I've tried."

"Wow," I laughed, "So what did they do to the classroom? Spray paint as usual?"

"Yeah, it was sick! Weird choice of location, though. I mean, the North Tower's the most run-down part of the entire school."

"True..." I trailed off. Now that I thought about it, it did seem quite weird for them to choose that certain part of the school, when there were so many other locations with items of much higher value. However, I brushed it off, thinking nothing of it.

"Umm...guys?" Karl spoke up, "it's almost past midnight— what's taking Dream so long?"

"I thought he said it was gonna be easy?" Quackity said triumphantly, "he's sooooooooo slow~~~~"

"You're right..." I walked over to the nearest trapdoor, opening it quietly and listening for any sign of movement. There was none.

"Its fine, Sapnap,"The ravenette said in a reasonable tone, "he's probably still looking for George. I mean, he is the seeker, after all. Maybe he's just facing some complications?"

"Let's just wait up here for him," I said, "We'll take turns keeping watch. Who'll take first watch?"

"Not me," said Karl, "I'm tired and wanna sleep. C'mon Sap, I need a pillow." With that, he sat down on a flat part of the roof, bringing me down with him. Then, to my surprise, he sat down on my lap and snuggled into my chest, arms wrapped round my middle.

Butterflies erupted inside me. A blush crept up my face as I saw the knowing look that Quackity shot me from behind Karl's back.

Karl had always been one for cuddling and hugging, so why did this certain hug feel so intimate—so personal? I'd never felt like this before. What was this feeling?

Whatever it was, I liked it. A lot. 

After a while, I, too, got comfy, pulling him closer to me by the waist and resting my chin on his head.

Not a moment later, he fell asleep. I felt myself drifting off, too, until—

"Hey, what time is it?" Quackity's voice rang through the silent night, seemingly amplified due to the absence of all sound but our soft breathing.

In fact, it was a bit too silent—to the point where it's creepy. I stared into the distance.

"Hello?" Quackity was waving a hand in front of my face, "earth to Sapnap?"

"Oh—yeah, sorry, what?"

"What time is it? I forgot my phone."

"Oh...lemme see..." I reached my free hand down to my pocket slowly, careful not to wake the sleeping brunette. "Half-past twelve."

"HALF-PAST TWELVE?!" He screeched, "Half-Past TWELVE?!"

"Shut up!!!" I whisper-yelled, "can't you see Karl's sleeping?"

"Sorry!" The ravenette whispered back, but it was too late. He adjusted his position, lifting his head to look up at me.

"What's wrong? Why's Quackity yelling?"

I had to stop myself from blushing. His hair was all over the place, and innocent blue eyes glinted in the moonlight, only adding to his already mesmerizing appearance.

"It's nothing, Karl, go back to sleep." I slid my phone back into my pocket, using my other hand to gently cup his cheek. "I don't want lack of sleep to ruin your beautiful face."

He blushed and turned away, but went back to sleep nonetheless.

Opposite me, Quackity made a gagging noise and puking gesture. I merely smiled and began running my fingers through the fluffy curls of the boy snuggled in my chest.

Just as I prepared to speak, he shivered a bit. With no hesitation, I pulled off my hoodie and draped it over him.

Dark eyes burned into my soul when I did this, and as I met them, their owner said in an undertone, "I finally see why Karl likes you. Who wouldn't, if you treated them this way?"

"He what?!" I didn't know how to feel about this piece of information. Half of me was happy that he liked me, because I may or may not like him back,  and the other half was doubtful as to whether Karl would've wanted me to know.

"I thought it was obvious. He really likes you." Quackity seemed not to have noticed my rapid change in emotion. Either that or he was ignoring it deliberately to wind me up.

"Look, dude, I may or may not need some advice on something." I didn't want to tell my (second) most annoying friend about this, but he was the only other person around and I just really needed to get it off my chest.

"Ok...what kind of advice do you need?"

"Well, I..."

"Go on..." he leaned forward slightly in anticipation. "It's fine, you can tell me. I promise I'll keep it to myself. I may be insufferably annoying, but I always keep secrets." He smiled at me reassuringly.

"Ok..." I inhaled deeply.

"Just say it bro. The faster you get it out, the better."

"I kinda...sorta...like Karl back."

Word Count: 1015

Heyyy guys...I TOTALLY didn't just completely forget about this fanfic for 3  entire weeks.

Look: I'm sorry, okay? Winter holidays just started for me, and I've been too caught up with reading other fanfics to pay any heed to my own. Anyway, I'll try to get another  edited chapter out sometime the next 3 days, so make sure to look out for that.
That's all. Have a great rest of your day!😁

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