11-Panic Arises

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[Quackity POV]

The next morning, I woke up to panicked voices speaking in hushed tones.

A moment later, I looked up to see Sapnap and Karl climbing out of a trapdoor. They were each dressed in a new set of clothes, and I figured they'd been to visit the dorm. Their ruffled and slightly messy clothes told me they must've also been searching for Dream, too. That, or making out. Hopefully, it was the latter.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes. "Did you find him?"

The two looked around at me, startled.

"Nope." Karl replied.

I sighed. "I'll meet you here in ten. I need to get ready, and then we can go look for him."

They nodded and I walked over to a random opening, before dropping down onto a desk and closing it behind me.

I made my way slowly back to the building opposite, careful to be as quiet as possible.

After walking up the countless flights of stairs and across a maze of corridors, I reached our shared dormitory and entered.

Bad was sat on the large couch and looked up as I walked in. He seemed tired and annoyed, so I figured he must've had a hard time sleeping.

"What do you want, Quackity?"

I laughed. "I see Sapnap and Karl woke you up."

"Yes, they did. Can't those two even enter a room without flirting? And terribly loudly, too!"

"I guess not. Anyway..."

"What? Did you do it?"

"Yes and no."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well... there have been some...complications."

The boy immediately perked up and his eyes narrowed."What do you mean? What kinds of 'complications'?"

I silently debated what the best way was to tell him that Dream was ✨not found✨, and finally decided to just tell him straight.

But, of course, he caught my silence, and lifted a finger before I could utter a word.

"Before you answer my question, is Dream up yet?"

"Umm... we'll...you see... that's kinda the problem. He's...uh..."

"He's what?"

"He kinda...sorta...may have gone missing."

"HE WHAT?!" Bad stared at me with wide eyes, horrified, then abruptly stood up and started pacing across the entire length of the living room.

I just stood there helplessly. All I could do was stand and watch as my panicked friend continued pacing, muttering things like, "I knew this was a bad idea," and, "Why didn't I try to stop them?! This is all my fault!"

Finally, after a few minutes, he ceased his pacing and sat back down on the couch, sighing heavily.

"So, what are we gonna do?"

"Well," I thought for a moment, "I was going to get ready, then meet the others back at the roof. Are you ready?"


"Okay then, wait for me and we'll go together."

He nodded. Satisfied, I proceeded to carry out my extremely short morning routine, which was basically just brushing my teeth and changing.

Once everything was done, I went back out to the sitting area, where Bad was already waiting for me.

"You done?" he asked.

Hide and Seek - DnfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora