Start from the beginning

Amaris's eyes flies open and she gasps for air and turns her head to the side, coughing.

Aiden releases a breath, "Hi princess." He says stroking her cheek.

I snake my hands under her and lift her up slightly, burying my face in her chest. Thank God.

It's not until milo grabs her face and ask her if she's okay that I pull away and see him looking at her with a worried expression on his face. I look down at her face and see blood on her lips. She starts coughing up blood and her breathing turns ragged.

"Where's the fucking ambulance? We called ages ago!" Milo shouts.

Amaris squeezes my hand. "I-I can't breathe Cas."  She says, her eyes fluttering.

"It's okay bug. You're going to be okay." I say trying my best to stay calm. I look up when I hear the ambulance and when I look back down at Amaris, her eyes are closed again. Fuck!

I put my lips on hers, trying to give her the air from my lungs and I do my best to give her CPR. "Come on. Breathe Amaris."

Aiden pulls me off of her and I try to fight him. "Let them take care of her Cassius." I look up and see the paramedics rushing to her and placing something over her face.

"If she dies, so do you." I growl at the paramedic that's crouched down next to Amaris.

"Just let us work, sir." He says.

"Fine but I'm going with you." I say pulling away from Aiden.

"We all are." Milo says glaring at the paramedic who looks like he was about to stop us.

She's the one thing that makes this cruel world worth living in, the one thing that justifies humanity's wrong doings. If she dies, the world will burn.
When we got to the hospital, they took Amaris in for surgery. They said that Amaris had a collapsed lung and internal bleeding. Now she's in a coma. The doctor said that her body had been through a lot and that it needs time to heal. That was a week ago.

I'm at one of Issac's safe houses standing over the dead bodies of his men. This is going to be a bitch for him to clean up. I'm thinking about leaving a message for him. Something that says 'when i find you, i'll slit you open, cut out your heart and feed it to you.'

I've been trying to find the ugly bastard for a week now and so far I've got nothing. Personally I think it's quite rude to hide from a fight but then again, Issac has always been a coward.

I get ready to leave but my eyes land on the stove. On second thought....

I make my way over to the kitchen and detach the gas hose before my phone pings.

Aiden: where are you? We're going to the hospital. Are you coming?

Me: no. I'll go later.

I know I should be there with my best friends. They love her too and we should be going through this together like normal people but I'm not normal and I have to see her alone. I can't exactly have people there with me everyday when I threaten her to wake up.

I walk out of the house and light a match. I throw it into the house and watch as it goes up in flames. Pretty.

Today I'm sitting on the floor of Amaris's favorite room, covered in blood.

"Cassius we're going to the hospital, do you want to come with us?" I hear Milo say from the other side of the door. When I don't answer, he takes that as an invitation to come in. "Jesus. What the fuck are you doing in here?" Oh that's right, the play room is sound proof. Neat.

"What does it look like?" I ask him, looking at the fifteen dead bodies in front of me with a bored look on my face "Amaris still hasn't woken up and I promised the world chaos. Plus, I need information on Issac."

"Yeah killing is jolly but this is just scary." Milo says, carefully watching the chopped up limbs and hearts spread across the floor. "You need to lock your monster back in it's fucking cage. Amaris is still alive."

Milo leaves and I sigh, rubbing my hands down my face.

My mother was tortured and killed in front of me when I was eight. After that the organization started training me and I became ruthless. I decided to hurt others the way I was hurt. I quickly became a cold blooded killer and the more I kill, the stronger the monster inside of me becomes. Amaris is the only one with the keys and if she wants to lock the monster away, she'll just have to wake the hell up.

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