15 - Little Men

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The wolf turned to look at me standing in the road watching it and came running towards me. For some reason I couldn't will myself to move, was it here to protect me? Kill me? I couldn't be sure.

As it reached me it dipped it's head low and rubbed it against the side of my shoulder as a sign of affection, this was Demetrius.

In that moment I felt the tears well up in my eyes, I could have died and if Demetrius hadn't of come to save me, I probably would be.

"Thank you." I managed to get out as a tear fell from my eye and right down onto his nose, his tongue whipped out and licked his nose of the teardrop, emitting a low whimper as he looked up at me.

I looked behind me towards the direction I'd been coming from and saw the four men who were chasing me mowed down on the sidewalk lifeless, Demetrius must have killed them too just to save me.

I looked back at Demetrius who was still watching me intently. I knew Demetrius well enough to know he didn't want me out here where I could get hurt, but Ayla needed me. "I need a medic at the high school" was all I said as I began running towards the hospital again.

My pace was cut short when Demetrius chased after me and blocked me on my path, he didn't want me to keep going.

"I need one Demetrius, my best friend is dying." I snapped, no one was going to stand in my way from getting help, not even my mate for that matter.

He continued to look at me before taking a moment to look towards the hospital at the end of the long street, I knew he was thinking about it.

After a moment he looked back at me and let out a huff before indicating me to keep going.

I felt relieved in a strange sort of way, I knew that if Demetrius stayed with me I could get to the hospital and get help for Ayla and all the others who were left at the school with no protection, I knew Demetrius wouldn't leave me alone after what had transpired.

Wasn't Demetrius supposed to be on the frontline with my father and sister? What happened?

I shook my head, I need to stop getting distracted during a time like this. I pushed myself to keep running the rest of the way to the hospital, Demetrius right behind me the whole time and as I darted sideways of any oncoming bodies, he would mow them down as if removing an obstacle from my track, as if he barely had to exert any energy in doing so.

We arrived to the front entrance of the hospital, which had been boarded up from all doors and windows, completely uninviting any newcomers onto the property. "What the fuck?" I squealed as I kicked one of the wooden boards plastered infront of the door. "No." I cried to myself as I continued to punch and kick away at the wood. I needed a medic, I needed something to carry my best friend in at least...I needed help.

Of course they would board up the building, it was the best way to protect the nurses and the sick, but at what cost if there were people dying out here?

I heard Demetrius emit a low growl from behind me and I turned to see the size of half a dozen serpent warriors closing in on us from all angles. I glanced at him as he shared a look with me, he didn't feel confident about these men with weapons currently cornering us and even if he were able to take them, I couldn't bare see him get hurt because of me. I think he was more concerned about shifting his attention away from me for too long rather than being able to take on all six men on his own, i knew where his priorities lay.

As a tear rolled down my face I sighed and look at him once more, feeling defeated that I'd come all this way to get help for my best friend and I couldn't even get inside the damn building.

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