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It's been 4 days since I met Laura's step-brothers and I have become good friends with Sam and Harry.

We found out we have some things in common but not a lot.

Tom is still not talking to any of us.

Laura - Knowing Tom, he is probably being a man whore and fucking some girl in the janitors closet.

Sharni - Why would you think that?

Laura - He's come home trying to cover up some hickeys on his neck.

Sharni - You might be over-exaggerating just a little bit.

Laura - I think not... Look, I have to go meet with someone after school. I'll text you when I'm done, or walk with the boys.

Sharni - Ok, I'll text you what happens.

We hug and go our separate ways to class.

The final bell goes and I text Laura that I'm walking with the boys. She said she's ok with it, as long as I'm careful of Tom... Yeah. Ok, what is little Tommy gonna do?

We start walking home. Harry and Sam are chatting away while I'm walking next to Tom, who is on his phone while walking. 1, dangerous. 2, I'm right here. Talk to me bitch.

Tom - So the other day, you and Laura were talking about me...

Shit... He heard us.

Tom - Laura doesn't seem to like me very much I guess?

Sharni - Well... 5 new people show up in her house. It's always been her and her mother since her father passed due to cancer. So I guess it's hard for her to accept that there is someone new in her mom's life, especially with four sons, so please understand that when you treat her like absolute shit, it makes her mad because you don't know her and she doesn't know you.

Tom - I get that. But she's clicked with Sam and Harry I guess, but not me. Why?

Sharni - Well maybe because Sam doesn't get on her nerves and Harry is just up your ass looking for your attention all the time.

Tom - I give Harry attention. I'm closer with him, more than my other brothers, I mean I'm close with all of them but I don't know anymore. I just want Laura to see me as something better than a man whore.

Sharni - Then don't come home with hickeys on your neck.

Tom - Did she tell you all the "Disgusting things I do"

I look down and chuckle a little.

Sharni - I mean she did, and to be honest, I am in no position to judge you as I barely know you.

Tom - Exactly, you both barely know me, so why are the two of you even talking about me in the first place?

Sharni - Laura doesn't know much about herself and what she's feeling. So be the first to talk to her. Get to know her. Be the bigger person because I know Laura won't talk to you first.

Tom - I'll try, but you'll know if it worked or not.

Sharni - Keep me posted... Here is my number, text me if you need help. But I'm not giving you the answer.

We get to our houses and Laura texts me she's going home now. I sit in my room and think about the conversation Tom and I had... No matter what. Laura and Tom make it about themselves... When are we going to get past this? When am I gonna be able to talk to them without bringing each other up?

My Best Friends Step Brother//Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now