Tom's "Bad Day"

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A couple classes later and the bell finally rang, which got me really excited because fuck school, I hate school.

I met Laura and the boys at the doors of the school, all except for Tom.

Sharni - Where is Tom?

Laura - Not coming, so I'm calling mom to tell her what his plan for after school is... Dominic won't be happy to hear it.

Harry - Tattle tale...

Laura - Do you know the area? You literally just got here. Mom and Domonic married 2 weeks ago. That my friend, is how long you've been here.

Sam - Peace and Love guys.

Harry and Laura - Shut up.

Laura - Please, none of the motivational crap, save it for another day. Better yet, save it for Tom.

Sharni - Aww. Peace and love Sam, don't listen to them.

Sam - Thank you, at least someone agrees with me.

He glares at Harry and Laura after giving me a small smile.

Tom finally arrives.


Laura - Our dad, now.

Tom - What is your problem?

Laura - You, you're my problem! It's always about you!

Tom - Well no. Because right now it's all about you. What makes you happy, which is clearly me coming home with you.

Laura - Well, that's not entirely true, it's about all of us being home as a family without you acting like a complete arse for once in your life!

Tom - Well Sharni isn't family. Why is she here?


Harry and Sharni - OOOOOO

Sharni - BURN!

Tom - Shut the fuck up everyone

Sharni - Well, someone's a cranky baby, aren't you? Do you need a bottle and a nap so you can wake up happy or are you gonna continue being a baby and throwing a tantrum?

He storms into the car. We all get in and Laura being Laura puts on "Don't Worry, Be Happy". I can't help but laugh.

We get to Laura's house and we both go to her room to talk about Teen Wolf because DYLAN O'BRIEN IS ONE SEXY MOTHER FUCKER!

Sharni - What's with Tom?

Laura - I cock blocked him, that's what's wrong.

Sharni - Not going to lie... He do have a cute face.

Laura - Oh my god no... I mean, have him, I don't care we aren't blood, so. But, if something does happen, just be careful because he will break your heart.

Sharni - You're talking to me like it will happen? Also I thought you've known him for 2 weeks?

Laura - No, I've known him for months, Mom would make us visit Dominic and the boys every holiday. And Tom has his moments.

Sharni - Moments? What moments?

Laura - Like... He "wants" bad girls one day, dancers the next, bookworms the after that, so on, so forth. It never ends.

Sharni - Oh, okay so in other words, try not to be those things around him, I get it.

Laura - No, he just has moments... Be careful is all I'm saying.

Sharni - You know me, I am always careful.

We laugh and put on Teen Wolf.

My Best Friends Step Brother//Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now