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this story has a trigger warning: sexual assault

charlie's pov
i'm walking through the hallway trying to get to my drum lesson when i accidentally bump into someone.
"sorry-" i say quietly looking up but quickly freezing when i realize who it is.
"charlie i've been looking for you" he says grabbing my arm
"i-i need to go to my lesson" i stutter fast trying to get out of his grip but it doesn't work. he pulls me into a supply closet and locks it.
"so are you done with you rebound and ready to get back with me?" ben says still holding onto my arm so tight that my arm is turning red.
"n-no i love nick not you i never ever loved you let me go please"
"i like it when you beg" ben says trying to kiss me with a grin as a tear rolls down my cheek

nicks pov
I'm standing in the the hallway that is in between charlie's class and mine but he never shows. the first bell rang a couple of minutes ago and the second is going to soon. tao walks by and i quickly stop him
"tao have you seen charlie?" i ask him worriedly
"umm the last time i saw him at his locker but i haven't seen him since, sorry" tao responds walking to his next class.
the second bell rings. shit where is charlie.
i decide to walk to his locker and trace all his steps to his drums lesson.

as i turn a corner near charlie's locker, i hear whimpering and shushing.
suspiciously i follow the noise to a supply closet and open the door.
i freeze once i see what's happening.
ben has my charlie pushed against the wall with his hands pined down and is forcing himself onto him.
i look into charlie's eyes and see fear and desperation. quickly i unfreeze and lunge at ben throwing punches.
the commotion catches the attention of a teacher and she comes yelling at use to stop. i would've kept punching him until i was too tired to do it anymore but i saw charlie breaking down in the corner so i stopped and ran to him.
i pulled charlie close to me and whispered to him that it was going to be ok.

the teacher took all three of us to the headmaster and tried to spilt us up but i refused to leave charlie.

the headmaster came into the room charlie and i were in and asked both of us what had happened. i knew for a fact that i was going to tell the truth even though he's not out yet because what he did was too far but, i don't know if charlie will. he has that kind of heart, no matter how poorly someone treats him, he'll still do all he can for them.

"charlie how about you go first?" the headmaster says "o-ok" charlie stutters "i was walking to my next class when ben walked up to me and pulled my a-arm and said he needed to talk to me. i tried to refuse but his grip was too strong" he says and i look down to see a mark where bens hand was. "h-he pushed me into the supply closet and" i wait to hear him protect ben but he doesn't "a-and he tried to kiss me and wouldn't let me go" charlie says breaking down again in my arms.

"ok i can see this is a very touchy situation, nick could you give us your view of the situation?" the headmaster says looking at charlie pitifully.
"um yeah" i say still holding onto charlie "i was waiting for charlie in the hallway we always meet in before class but the first bell had rang and he wasn't there. i found a mutual friend and he said that the last time he had seen charlie was at his locker." i take a deep breathe and continue "so i decided to go retrace charlie's steps from his locker to see where he was and i passed the supply closet, and heard whimpering." tears rush to my eyes as i remember the incident. "i um opened the door and found ben um h-holding charlie's arms to his side and f-forcing himself onto to him" i say trying to hold back tears.

"thank you boys, i suggest that both of you go home for today. charlie's dad is upfront and is ready to take both of you home" the headmaster says and opens the door for us
"thank you" i say quietly as we walk out of the room.

the car ride home was silent.
charlie and i sat in the back holding hands the entire time. i was staring at charlie while he was looking out the window. i didn't even realize that we were at charlie's house until his dad got out of the door and walked into the house, knowing that we needed alone time and he would get answers later.

charlie and i walk into charlie's room and he collapses onto his bed with a thump. i join him and wrap us up in the covers pulling him close.
i'm about to fall asleep as i think charlie is already but i hear a faint "thank you nick" and his head lifts from my chest. i don't respond, instead i give him a small smile and give him a kiss

"anything for you my love, anything for you" i say as i drift off to sleep with charlie safe in my arms.

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