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(Faedove is my current character I'm playing and I'm starting to adore her and her ways.)

Faedove is changed from who she may have been growing into, all because she slipped into the feywild as a young child and was raised there until need arose for her return to protect the land she was born into and the fey who raised her. On first glance you could see she was different from other firbolgs simply from the bow slung across her back. Unlike those raised in the tree who all became Druids, she was trained to be a ranger. Instead of Druidic becoming her main language she speaks Sylvan predominately as well as common with a few others other fey taught her.

Her name was bestowed as she is considered as one of the fey beings and denoting her position as a fey wanderer, and dove as she is a symbol of hope as well as mourning.

She had not been long returned to the great tree when she was recruited by a dwarven man to join his odd assortment of crew in destroying the encroaching mist.

Appearance: pinkish skin under grey brown fir. Honey colored hair reaching mid back parted down the middle and swept back with a few stray wispy curls poking out. Her eyes are startling to most as they swirl with iridescent colors*, She wears a dark forest green shirt with sleeves that end jagged just above her elbows and  black pants. Over this is her leather armor. Her feet are covered in simple yet sturdy boots. Different from other firbolgs she carries a long bow and two swords. those who get close to her say she smells of lavender. She average height at about 7'1"

*note: due to listening to one of her traveling companions she and the rest of the party are now possessed by a demon lord and her eyes are now amber colored because of this.

Family: unknown her memory isn't the best but she does now own a potted fern named Terrance.

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