Mornir Dehart

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Raised amongst the dwarfs magic was pushed aside for innovation and metalwork. He was raised and trained under the clans craftsmen sworn to the secrets that only dwarven blood was allowed to know. In doing so became devout to Vi (probably a homebrew god of the dwarves my current dm uses). Becoming a master craftsmen himself he uses his knowledge of metalwork to create things that would help his brethren and other adventurers survive, in the name of Vi of course. Not quite a healer as spells pushed away unless they were to assist in metalwork he does carry a few healing spells because injuries can happen in the forge.

Appearance: rusty red hair and beard carefully braided back in intricate designs. Piercing grey/green eyes that hold little room for nonsense. Instead of cleric robes his vestments are his blacksmiths gear. His cheeks are a permanent rosy red color against the otherwise fair skin.

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