Chapter 1

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It was a rainy night aboard the Dark Wave, a pirate ship owned by a man known for his wickedness. He was seven feet tall with a long beard. His coat, hat, belt and boots were all made of black leather. He had a long sword hanging from his belt. It was no other than the infamous Dark Tooth. Little did Dark Tooth know that a woman had just boarded his evil ship.

She was a young woman, probably in her twenties, and she had long auburn colored hair with a pirates cap on her head. It was Auburn Sally, another pirate captain, but Dark Tooth and Sally didn't get along. They had become enemies over the years.

Sally knew that she only had a few minutes to grab the item she needed before Dark Tooth discovered that she was on his ship. Fortunately, Sally knew exactly where it was. A map. A map that she had left on the Dark Wave, a map that led to an island fortress, a fortress that was supposed to be a myth. No one had ever found it but every pirate dreamed of finding it.

Sally quietly made her way down to the old smelly prison cells that once held her not too long ago. She found the cell she was looking for and went to the wooden back wall. Sally searched for the special sign on the wall that marked the spot of the hidden map. As soon as she found it she pressed on the sign and a hidden compartment opened next to her. Sally pulled the piece out and slipped the map in her pocket. She made her way to the deck, barely slipping past the guards on duty as she headed back to her ship and crew.

During this time, Dark Tooth was asleep in his room and not long after he awoke with a start. He had just had a dream about the Last Treasure, the one he'd been looking for almost his whole life. He ran out of his room to the prison cells. When he got there he called over a guard and asked him which cell Auburn Sally had been held in. The guard told him and Dark Tooth sent him away so he could inspect the cell alone. He ran his fingers along the wall, looking for anything that could give him a clue about where the treasure was. He found a mark on the wall, the one that Auburn Sally had placed on there. When he pressed on it, the secret compartment opened but this time it was empty.

Sorry this was a short chapter but... Welcome to my new short story!!!
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