Chapter 7: False Fear, Flirting And A Fantasy On Four Wheels

Start from the beginning

"That's very noble of you."

"I know."

Alec snorted, giving a faintly amused wave, head tilting concedingly.

"Makes sense though. When you put it that way the car's downright practical. A business expense even. Didn't think about that. Not too surprising though; only thought I ever give to clubs is how to get out of going to them." He faltered, glancing up, shrugging, flashing an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, I'm really not much of a club person."

Magnus smiled, brow quirking impishly, slipping closer.

"Bet I could change that..."

Alec laughed, head shaking quickly, brow quirking right back.

"Yeah, no. That's a bet you'd lose."

Magnus's eyes brightened in interest, head tilting.

"Mmm...I do love a challenge..."

Alec shook his head.

"Yeah well 'challenge' is probably a major understatement. I don't like clubbing. I don't even like the basic elements of clubbing! Pretty much every part of the experience rubs me the wrong way or gets under my skin.

I'm really uncomfortable with loud music, big crowds, and drunkenness. They make me twitchy and on edge and foolishness, self-obsessed, vacuous ninnies and wannabe celebrities irritate the hell out of me. Add to that my natural suspicion and aversion to loud noises, overly friendly strangers and yelling and...we'll...yeah, so..."

Magnus blinked, unable to stop an amused little smile.

"So I have about the same odds of getting you to enjoy clubbing that Si does of joining Cirque Du Soleil?"

Alec snorted, shrugging faintly.

"Uh...basically? Yeah.

Sorry...but it's really nothing personal. I'm sure your club is great- I've heard my siblings mention Chaos dozens of times, it's their favorite place in the entire city. They even tried to get me to go once."

Magnus smiled, head tilting curiously.

"And you didn't go?"

Alec huffed out a faintly sheepish laugh, flushing lightly, shaking his head.

"Uh no...I told them I was stung by a bee and having an allergic reaction and ended up spending the rest of the night in the hospital while they ran tests."

Magnus blinked in shock, eyes widening.

"You faked an allergic reaction so well they admitted you to the hospital?"

Alec's blush intensified, ducking his head, glancing away scratching nervously at the back of his neck.

"Uh y-yeah...faked...intentionally caused...pretty much same difference."

Magnus gave a surprised laugh, eyes widening all the more.

"You purposefully got stung just to avoid clubbing!?"

Alec flailed, shrugging helplessly.

"It was less painful than being drug to a packed club on a Saturday night!"

Magnus again blinked in shock, head shaking in disbelief.

"You seriously gave yourself an allergic reaction just to avoid a few hours at a club?"

Alec huffed, waving him off, shaking his head.

"No- it wasn't a bee sting, it was a wasp. I'm not allergic to those. I just told them it was a bee. Figured they'd let me just take some Benadryl and rest at home. I didn't know they'd rush me to the hospital.

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