Chapter 7: False Fear, Flirting And A Fantasy On Four Wheels

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"Well this is me..." Magnus said, gesturing to the sleek, polished to a shine chrome violet Ferrari GTB.

Alec's steps faltered, blinking in surprise, holding up a finger, gesturing.

"T-this is your car?"

Magnus smirked, shrugging, slipping her keys out, hitting the button, lights flashing, underglow pulsing, glimmering to life, engine revving.


Alec gulped, blinking again.

"Are you some kind of gearhead? Or a freaking Bond Villain?"

Magnus chuckled, giving a mysterious shrug and a flutteringly theatrical wave, head tilting.

"Eh...little from column A, little from column B..."

Alec laughed, brow quirking questioningly. Magnus paused a beat, brow quirking right back, holding his gaze just long enough for Alec to begin to falter. Magnus broke the stare-off with a faint chuckle and a teasing wink, waving him off with a playfully impish smile.

"Sorry darling- couldn't resist. No I'm not some car fanatic or a Machiavellian supervillain bent on world domination. I just know what I like and figure life's too short to deny yourself. Can't fault a guy for having good taste or treating himself every now and then..." he shrugged, giving a fluttering little wave, the light catching on his various rings and glittering chrome violet nails.

"It's actually kinda my go-to move...

Besides the whole 'flashy club owner' thing doesn't work nearly as well without the impressive wheels to back it up. It's basically a job requirement. Right up there with style, flair, and the ability to knock an egotist clean off their pedestal with nothing but a pitying look and unimpressed smile."

Alec chuckled, head tilting concedingly.

"Guess it kinda would be. I mean yeah there's the nuts and bolts and paper work and all that involved but a big part of the job would be the persona- you're basically the face of the business or brand or whatever you want to call it. Only makes sense to play up the image."

Magnus smiled, nodding, giving a fluttering little wave.

"Exactly. See the thing of it is Chaos isn't just a building with loud music, drunken idiots and jackasses trying way too hard. It's an escape from the mundane, a break from the ordinary. It's a liberation, a release, a fantasy. It's all flash, glamour, excitement, frivolity and carousing. People don't go to Chaos just to find a hook up or drink themselves stupid; if that's all they want they'll hit one of the dozens of dive bars and hotel lounges littering this city.

If they're going to Chaos they're going for the experience- the fantasy. The celebrities and uninhibited atmosphere. They're going to see and be seen, trying to have a few hours away from their humdrum, workaday world. Chaos isn't just a random hot spot- it's THE hot spot. The place even pop stars, dignitaries, big name directors and real- fully fledged movie stars are clamoring to get into.

It's an escape simple as that.

I'm basically the human embodiment of the club. The better I fit that image the better my business does...beside who doesn't want an excuse to spoil themselves every now and then? If my business benefits from me going all out and making a point of enjoying my life and living it to its absolute fullest then...we'll I guess that's just what I gotta do.

We all have to make sacrifices sometimes." He smiled, shrugging.

Alec huffed out a faint laugh, brow quirking sarcastically.

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