433 - Max Verstappen

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A/N: For anyone who is interested I'm writing a book about Max. My Max story, One Night, will be updated later today.

Requested by skoleeee

This was written before the 2022 Belgian Grand Prix

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433: "We're the first ever husband and wife who have ever been teammates in F1 history."

Yourself and your now husband, Max may have been fierce title rivals, often struggling to put the team before your own strong desires to win the championship, however, on this particular day, the Sunday of the Belgian Grand Prix, the two of you entered the paddock hand in hand with your fingers entwined. Both of you were beaming since getting married over the summer break meant that you were still in wedded bliss and feeling as though the early honeymoon phase of your relationship had returned once again, you glancing at Max out of the corner of your eye to notice that he was glowing with joy.

"As much as you love the sport, I don't think I've ever seen you this happy in the paddock before," you spoke up warmly after there had been a peaceful silence between you.

"This is a very exciting weekend for us, Y/N. We're the first ever husband and wife who have ever been teammates in F1 history," responded Max with enthusiasm, overflowing with pride at the thought of how commentators would now also refer to you as Verstappen even though that would surely get confusing. "But as excited as I am about this, you do know that doesn't mean I'll go any easier on you out on track, right? As much as I love you infinitely, we do both have an equal chance to win and I'm not giving up until it's over."

Your heart skipped a beat at the sight of Max's expression hardening and his voice becoming more firm, your heart always starting to race whenever he would show you his more stereotypical side even though you did love how his often hard exterior would completely disappear a lot of the time when it was just the two of you.

"I wouldn't expect anything less from you. It'll be the same for me," you replied assuredly, before Max dropped your hand and you wrapped an arm around each other as you continued to head towards your garage.

The affectionate glances between the two of you may have continued until you needed to get ready to get into your cars to make your way onto the grid, but the second both of you were into your helmets and balaclavas and your visors were down, you entered your racing driver headspaces, those being the only places where racing would ever come before your relationship with yourself and Max being in agreement that whatever happens on track stays on track.

Max was starting the race on pole with you being behind in P2 and when it was finally time for the race to begin, your sights were firmly set on him as the five red lights were going out, yourself and Max viewing each other as competitors in that moment like always, rather than husband and wife. As always tended to be the case from you, you got a lightning start off the line, you seeing a perfect opportunity to dive up Max's inside going into turn one. You were well aware that the move would be quite a risky one, but you had the confidence in your car and in your abilities that it was going to work. You did manage to pull the move off cleanly, but Max reclaimed his P1 going down the Kemmel straight. The two of you continued to swap positions throughout the race, becoming increasingly worried about how this was causing the Ferraris to catch up to you. However, yourself and Max managed to hang onto your 1-2, you winning the race with Max finishing in P2. The second he had gotten out of his car once you had pulled up into parc ferme, Max rushed towards your car, the two of you meeting in the middle of your cars and flinging your arms tightly around the other once you had reached them.

"You did it, Mrs. Verstappen! Your first race win with my, well our, name!" Max exclaimed with euphoria as he held you at arms length, but you being cautious to return the enthusiasm at first.

"Even though this means that I've taken the championship lead?" You asked with worry, not knowing if Max would be quite so happy for you once he had realised.

"You know how much I want to win a second world title, but we always celebrate each other's successes," replied Max reassuringly, helping you out of your helmet and balaclava as he spoke, before he pressed a gentle, but lengthy kiss to your lips once he had gotten out of his own.

You both became lost in the kiss for a moment, before your lips parted and both of you rushed over to your roaring team as their cheers ripped you out of the trance which you had entered. The affection between yourself and Max soon continued during your pre-podium interviews, Max being unable to praise you enough, causing your heart to melt. Yourself and Max emerged onto the podium with your fingers entwined a short while later, this continuing once you had took your places until it was time for the trophies to be presented. Once they had and once the anthems had played, yourself and Max thought about how this was a moment which you would both remember for the rest of your lives as you were drenching each other with champagne, the two of you having shared countless podiums in the past, but this being your most special one yet because it was your first as husband and wife.

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