638 - Esteban Ocon

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Requested by tcr_lover

luminousmoonlight skoleeee

This was written before the weekend of the 2022 British Grand Prix

638: "People say I only want to be with a race winning driver, people call me a gold digger because I went from (other driver of your choice) to you, but you're the only one I want to be with. Please believe me."

Throughout the entire weekend of the British Grand Prix, you couldn't help but notice that your boyfriend, Esteban seemed to be a little off. At first, you thought that this was just because he was stressing about making sure he was impressing Alpine in order to keep his seat, stressing about proving to them that he believed himself to be better than Oscar Piastri despite his contract not coming to an end quite yet. However, once you had gotten back to your hotel room after the race, you realised that something else must have been bothering him because of how impressive he had been during the race, meaning that he must surely be even slightly relieved of the pressure which he was feeling.

"Are you sure nothing's bothering you?" You asked him sympatheticaly, sitting beside him on his egde of the bed, Esteban even looking miserable as he scrolled through his phone, even that being unable to distract him.

"I've already told you, I'm-" Began Esteban firmly, you cutting him off from what he was saying because you had gotten a glimpse of what was on his phone.

You realised that Esteban was reading an article about how WAGs in the racing community were nothing more than slutty gold diggers, this particular one seeming to focus heavily on you, you realising that these kind of articles must have been secretly bothering him because you had both noticed that many had been written lately, but neither one of you feeling as though it was necessary to talk about it with the other.

"So, it's those articles that have been bothering you?" You asked in surprise, resting a comforting hand on Esteban's thigh, only for him to swat it away with his free hand. "Come on, tell me you're not angry with me? Tell me you're not starting to believe the things you're reading about me?"

Esteban took a deep breath, not responding straight away, which told you he was going to say something which you didn't want to hear. Your lips were just about to part, you being ready to tell him to just be open and honest with you, but before you were able to speak, he did so himself.

I'm sorry, Y/N, I just don't know what to think anymore," replied Esteban apologetically, shuffling away from you on the bed to put some distance between you. "I thought I'd gotten to know you really well, better than I know most people, but the articles do have a point when they mention how you left Gasly, a race winning driver, for me. They're making me paranoid because they say that you're going to leave me for someone further up the grid, someone with more wins than just one each like myself and Gasly have."

Part of you was furious with Esteban, but the majority of you just wanted to fling your arms around him because of how much this was clearly playing on his mind, which you couldn't blame him for because of the amount of articles he must have been reading.

"People say I only want to be with a race winning driver, people call me a gold digger because I went from Pierre to you, but you're the only one I want to be with. Please believe me. I know you've only got my word on this, but to prove I'm being truthful, the articles say that I went from Pierre to you, two drivers who don't like each other, to cause drama and friction between you both, but you know how much I like to avoid drama and be out of the spotlight. I can't help that both of the men I've fallen for happen to both be F1 drivers."

You began to feel sick to yuor stomach in case Esteban still had doubts, but your attempt to prove that you were being honest seemed to have wored because a small smile spread across his lips, causing you to let out a long, loud sigh of relief.

"You're right, Y/N, there's lots of articles which are spreading rumours and lies about people. I don't know how I could have been so stupid and begin to listen to them, but I suppose your reassurance was exactly what I needed to hear," replied Esteban with affection, finally moving closer to you once more, taking both of your hands in his once he had turned his body around to face you. "I undersrand if it's you who's angry with me now, but I'd love it if we could put this past us and just continue living our lives together, ignoring the unwanted opinions of others who don't know us."

"I'd love that," you responded lovingly, pressing a gentle kiss to Eateban's lips, before you rested your head in the crook of his neck, Esteban warmly gazing down at you as he thought about how relieved he was that he was finally able to relax around you once again without anything to worry about in terms of your relationship.

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