336 - Arthur Leclerc (NSFW)

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Requested by brrrrrbrrrrr

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366: "We can't have sex in our team factory! We'll get caught!"

After a hectic morning of meetings in the Prema factory, yourself and your teammate, but also your secret boyfriend, Arthur were enjoying some relaxing time together in a small meeting room which you found a few years ago with your older brother, Ralf and twin brother, Paul. This small meeting room was somewhere which was always deserted, clearly no one else realising this because it was always free for whenever any of you needed some quiet time. It was for this reason, why you had introduced it to Arthur after he had promised to keep it a secret, it being a place where the two of you could act like a couple, be able to share loving embraces as you filled each other's ears with sweet nothings, which was exactly what you were doing on this particular day, you being sat on Arthur's lap with your head being snuggled into his chest.

However, as time went on, your thoughts were becoming increasingly less innocent, you lightly grinding against Arthur several times as you were beginning to feel a bulge forming underneath you, Arthur clearly becoming just as aroused as you were.

"We've still got a few hours before we can sneak back to the hotel, so why don't we take care of things right here, right now?" You suggested flirtatiously as you leant into his ear, Arthur letting out a tough groan under his breath as your lips then lightly closed around his earlobe.

Arthur was ready to give into temptation, a mischievous smirk even spreading across his lips, but just as he was about to agree to this, he suddenly let out a sigh of frustration under his breath as he remembered that your brothers also knew about this room.

"We can't have sex in our team factory! We'll get caught!" Arthur muttered under his breath in surprise, Arthur only now realising how insane your idea was.

"Why would we?" You asked cheekily as you teasingly grabbed onto the hem of your Prema shirt and began to slowly inch it upwards. "We can close the blinds and the door, which doesn't have any windows in it is closed. Besides, Ralf and Paul are in the simulator and you know how hard it is to get them out of there once they've started."

Arthur didn't need anymore convincing, a matching mischievous smirk spreading across his own lips as you rushed off his knee to close the blinds, Arthur's only condition being that you just pull your trousers and underwear down, rather than getting fully undressed, which you didn't hesitate to agree to because you would be willing to do anything if it meant that he would be more comfortable.

Just as you were about to sit back down on his lap after you had both pulled down your trousers and underwear, your eyes widened with surprise at the sight of just how enormous his erection was, this causing you to have a strong urge to press your legs tightly together as you felt your walls dampening even further. However, after a few seconds of you standing like that, mesmerised, Arthur beckoned for you, as if to tell you to get onto his lap. Once you were sitting comfortably, he didn't hesitate to barge his already almost fully hardened length through your folds, the feeling of how he was immediately managing to hit some of the most pleasurable spots inside of you causing you to let out a gasp of surprise. After his first few powerful thrusts, Arthur's fingers clawed into your waist as you smashed your lips onto his, knowing that it would be the only way for you to keep your rising moans of his name inside. This was especially the case as Arthur's hands travelled around to your bottom cheeks, his hands forcing their way underneath you as he cupped one of your cheeks in each of his palms. Arthur instantly began to massage your tender skin, already providing you with this additional pleasure because of how he knew that this would still be one of the fastest rounds you had ever experienced, even if you weren't trying to rush. After gasping for breath a few times when you had no choice but to come up for air, you trailed some aggressive kisses down Arthur's neck, before your lips attached to his collarbone, this bringing Arthur even closer to the edge as he looked down to see that you were leaving a large, red blotch, one which he knew was definitely going to bruise.

Within a matter of minutes, both of you were on the verge of your orgasm, you currently feeling as though your next intense wave of pleasure was going to be your last. However, before that was able to wash over you, yourself and Arthur let out a gasp of fright as you heard someone pulling down on the door handle, Arthur scrambling to reach over to the chair beside you, managing to wrap his Prema hoodie around your waist just in time so whoever this was going to be wouldn't see anything. Once you had rushed to whip your head around your shoulders, you clapped your hands tightly over your mouth to see that Paul and Ralf were standing in the doorway, looking as white as sheets as their mouths hung slightly agape in pure disbelief.

"Are you for real, Y/N? We didn't tell you about this room so you could use it as a space to fuck other drivers!" Ralf exclaimed with rage, furiously shaking his head in disapproval, before he stormed off, not wanting to see the sight in front of him for a second longer.

However, Paul was taking a very different approach, your twin shooting a burning glare directly at Arthur as he crossed his hands, clenching his hands into fists as you couldn't help but notice that Arthur was beginning to look very intimidated.

"What the hell have you done to manage to seduce my sister?" Snapped Paul, almost shaking with rage. "This won't last and I bet that's the way you intend it to be, but let me tell you something, mate, no one gets away with walking away from my sister and breaking her heart. That girl is my twin, the other half of me, so if you don't want me to rearrange your face, then you better get out of here."

"Paul, this isn't you, please don't be like that," you said pleadingly with sorrow as you glanced over your shoulder apologetically at Arthur. "This isn't just something casual, a one time thing. The truth is, we've been together for the past six months, but we haven't told anyone because we were worried that you would react in the way you just have."

Paul took a deep breath to calm himself down as he left the room, closing the door behind himself to allow yourself and Arthur to pull up your trousers and underwear. Once you had, Arthur cautiously made his way over to the door, inviting Paul back inside.

"I completely understand why you're being this way, Paul. I'd be the same if I had a sister, but like Y/N said, I promise that it's nothing like how you interpreted," said Arthur assuredly, making his way to your side and wrapping an arm around your waist. "The truth is, I love Y/N and I will do everything in my power to make sure she's well aware of that."

"You love me?" You asked in surprise, you then beaming up at Arthur because he had never told you that before,

"I do, with all of my heart," replied Arthur affectionately, Paul clearing his throat a few moments later because both yourself and Arthur had become completely lost in your loving gaze.

"I'll be keeping an eye on you, Leclerc to make sure you mean what you've just said," said Paul sternly, before his expression softened as he looked at you. "I suppose I can't stop you from dating forever, Y/N, so please just be careful and let me know if there's anything at all you're not happy with and then he'll face the consequences."

Paul then pressed a light kiss to your cheek, before leaving yourself and Arthur once more, Arthur being determined that he would gain Paul's trust and prove to him that he was always going to love you and take care of you.

F1,F2 and F3 One Shots Book 10 (REQUESTS CLOSED)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα